*ShEs HeRe* *Chloe Elisabeth Grace has arrived* *February 2nd, 2005 at 6:45 p.m.* *18 1/2 in. and 5lbs. 2oz.*
*My little angel is finally here and shes in *perfect* health.* *Doctors say she wasnt as early as we assumed. =o)* *Longer update will come later, just wanted to let everyone know whats going on* *Pics will come soon*
-Just thought Id let everyone know that I am home now after spending 2 nights of hell in the hospital. After dialting a 4 and having a epideral and a blood pressure of 151/127, Chloe still refuses to come out
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Well, as I promised, I said I would update to let everyone know how my doctor visit went, and everything is perfect he says.. and the ultra-sound is sayin that the baby is a .............GiRl!!!!