so now i am in brooklyn. last night i went to a party at eliza fords place that was only wesleyan kids. it was weird and funny. college II is a reality. THIS IS SO EXCITING. I CANNOT BE HIDING IT. I AM OUT OF CONTOL AND I AM LIKING IT.
also my music sounds weird and off jilter because ice cream trucks keep going by my window.
I am not making as much money as I'd like, oh well. I need to remember that I want to do mail order caricatures to make money. Speaking of mail order, I have some packages I have to drop off at the post office tomorrow
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Wow, I almost got straight A's this semester, then I went and fucked shit up. Oh well, I don't really care a bout grades, but I guess I am smarter than I thought. Also, I am probably going to get kicked out of school now. Hah. Haha
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i have the diet of a 12 year old boy. i haven't eaten anything except pizza and candy bars for the past three or four days. i have also only slept three hours a night but I feel fine. i don't know what is wrong with my body but i might just die of scurvy in two days. GET ME SOME CITRUS
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I have lots of new toys to play with. I got a new laptop, i bid on an electronic autoharp, i will probably buy a car any second now.
I also want to have 27 husbands.
I might get paid to work for the Magnet this summer!!!! OH MY GOD. I am so psyched for this summer. It will be like College, Part II. This time, no parents and NO HOMEWORK.