Plans for the weekend include going to work (waves a flag), serving lunch at a local shelter (Saturday), and continuing to otherwise stay off my foot.
Assorted tidbits:
In my liquor cabinet this weekend-- Schlafly's Coffee Stout, Boulevard Tank 7 Smokestack Series, Whiskey
A handful of pics (ankle, snow, etc) behind cut.
Eggnog party (Becky, mixing nog)
Shadow, in the snow, looking comfortable
Ankle, series (left to right, day 3 to day 14), despite what it looks like, the swelling has not improved, but I am wearing shoes with no backs this week, so it is not swelling over the edge of the shoe anymore (as seen in in pic 1, swelling over the shoe made it look even worse)
Fun with the COLD! Yes, that is a fountain, it is running, and it is frozen. Very cool.
Ice floes on the Missouri river
Yes, this is a pile of snow taller than a city bus... the Plaza trucks away their snow all winter
After round 2 of snow (5 more inches, wheee!)
Once again, my dogs have chosen something random to eat. This is what I came home to today-- a hollowed out honeydew shell, with a pile of seeds (not pictured) right next to it that had been completely licked clean. Huge Sigh.
It has been a long week of work. Ready for a little bit of chill time. :) Unfortunately, it is literally chill time-- the low temp tonight is forecasted at -13*F. Joy.