today was alright.. nothing specail.. tommarow dougs sleepin over ;0) umffh..i really dont have much to write.. theres a kotton mouth kings show i wanna go to so bad.. but no1 to go with.. so if u wanna go with me.. let me know!! ughh peacee out
today ws alriight.. went to school.. shop week:o/ went to maynard.. it rained so i went up to dougs house and we watched wizard of oz.. i fell asleep.. then we went outside and my mum picked me up.. came home me n my mom n my sister hung out..then i took a bath talked to doug.. then got ready for bed.. how eventful:o/ well im out.. leave <3?
this is my new journal.. i realized how much blurty sucks.. so now i have this.. im just testing it out. so comment if you wanna b my friend.. love <3 Jess