I'm bored...more surveys...

Mar 25, 2004 22:26

Act your age:Yes...no...is this a yes/no question...?  I'll go with...7! Born on what day of the week:Um...I think a Tuesday.  Not really sure. Chore you hate:All chores.  Every chore is a bane unto my very existience. Dad's name:Peter Essentail make-up item:Um...invisible make-up...the kind I don't put on...because I don't wear make-up... Favorite actors/actresses:Christopher Walken Gold or sliver:Silver Hometown:Athens  Instruments you play:La Guitara Job title:Emperor of Universe Kids:Purple Living arrangements:I live in my house Mom's name:Margie Number of socks you own:Uh...a lot...?  Many of them are pair-less, however...I have a lot of single socks.  I dunno what happens to them... Overnight hospital stays:Um, when I was an infant yes...not just being born, but the surgery to save my life about a month or two later... Phobia:An intense fear of living out my days alone and forgotten.  Shudder. Quote you like:Do or do not; there is no try. Religious affiliation:Christian...Methodist, if you wanna get specific. Siblings:Two, Anna and Sarah Time you woke up today:Too early Unusual habits:Staying on the phone until the wee hours of the morning...hey, it's unusual to everyone else.. Vicious thing you've done:I killed a man in Reno once, just to watch him die Worst habit:setting myself up for failure X-rays you've had:Um...my head, my back, my ribcage, my arm, my wrist, my ankle, my knees... Your favorite season:Fall or Spring Zodiac sign:Libra
http://www.bzoink.com/surveys.php?id=65" title="[the alphabet survey]">[the alphabet survey] brought to you by http://www.bzoink.com" title="Free Online Surveys - BZOINK!">BZOINK!
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