ok some of my favorite couples are no more. This kinda pisses me off Sean-butterfly Duncan-Dovey DaimondDave-his lilly
I wonder who's next? I don't know all the major couples in my group of freinds is falling by the way side and it kinda irks me. I guess spring is in the air.
ok sitting home alone again, i am truly bored, i have no desire to do anything. it it's starting to piss me off. I really am truly bored to madness. life has been bad but has been getting better. So why can't i be in a good mood? I guess things should change, but now i have to decide what to change.
..to be at faire all day , tired as shit and a friend call me to come help him move his stuff.Whatever happened i don't care but as a reminder when you had to find help last minute i'm there. I help out. Hope things get better but till then i gotcha back. :P