Well, I'm certainly accumulating a lot of RP accounts that I'm not doing anything particularly with, but since I am probably THE most self-conscious roleplayer ever, I need one of these.
Soooo, HOW'S MY DRIVING? Leave your concrit, general comments, questions, compliments, hate mail, whatever for my characters here. Do I have their voices down? Is Medic's accent so obnoxious that you can't understand his posts? Is the Doctor too nice? Go ahead, you can tell me! You don't have to be nice about it. Anon is on, IP is off, anon comments are screened and all that.
At the moment, I'm the mun for all of the following:
The Doctor (Six) -
ihazrainbowcoat Salazar Slytherin -
parselslytherin Medic -
healforscienceSniper -
putmumondaphoneThe Administrator -
intoovertime BLU Scout's Mom -
scootymama Wizardmon -
nottabascosauce Junpei Iori -
homeruninsomnia Death -
catsandcapslock The Warden -
dapperrainbows (If you want to one-on-one, or want one of my characters to join your game, drop me a comment, or jump me on msn at murdererdelacroix@hotmail.com. You can also bother me on AIM as J3stergundam, but I'm on MSN 24/7.)