Most people do actually spend 5 years in college these days, or so I hear. I suppose it is a lot of extra money to pay though. OTL Hopefully your mother won't give you too hard of a time about it. D:
I wish I had a roommate the liked anime. So luckyyy. ;3;
I'm...worried about what my parents will say, but I feel really trapped, and the advising office is really not helping at all right now. I'll feel at least a little better once stuff is sorted and I actually have a direction, you know?
We don't like too many of the same animes, but yeah, I'm always super-excited when she likes something I do. <3
Spending an extra year in college is no big deal. Hell. Two extra years isn't a big deal...
I graduated in 4 years... and, honestly, i wish i haddn't. I miss it like crazy and i really feel i could have gotten way more out of it if i had another year. ...So don't feel bad about that :)
I'd...feel better about one extra year than I would about two, but I might have to do one and a's frustrating, because I don't think I'll have the money for it, either.
Comments 4
Hopefully your mother won't give you too hard of a time about it. D:
I wish I had a roommate the liked anime. So luckyyy. ;3;
We don't like too many of the same animes, but yeah, I'm always super-excited when she likes something I do. <3
I graduated in 4 years... and, honestly, i wish i haddn't. I miss it like crazy and i really feel i could have gotten way more out of it if i had another year. ...So don't feel bad about that :)
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