So, I haven't gotten it all down yet. I'm not the greatest writer in the world. I've certainly made many a mistake. But maybe there should be some sort of standard for writing that we all have to pass. Probably not, but just listen to this semi-bitter fanfiction writing rant.
Punctuation, Nicknames and Your (not You're) Personal Guide to Fanfic )
Comments 15
As for the beta thing, yeah. I don't have one for my Gate 'verse fics, so I edit compulsively. Sometimes, you just don't have a beta.
Compulsive editing FTW!
Capitalization and summaries are big sticklers for me lately. If the author can't be bothered to properly capitalize sentences, I'm not going to read the story. I've also seen a lot of people saying in their summaries that the story isn't good or criticizing it. Why would I want to read it?
PS. Point #2 in the last part above, I think you mean to say spoken dialog should be in quotation marks, not parentheses.
PPS. If you ever need a beta, feel free to ask me.
Those are two big things, yeah. That seems like pure laziness more than anything else. *sigh*
I'm glad to hear such an esteemed SV/Chlollie writer agrees with me because it does drive me crazy.
And it's fine to want to use that as a nickname, I love nicknames, I just want them to fit and have a history and reason behind them.
Ollie is such a namer, isn't he? I love that about him. :)
4. If someone's name ends in S ie Giles, when you are talking about a possession of Giles', it's written Giles' not Giles's.
As far as I know, both are correct, but I would use Giles's, mostly because it would be pronounced "Gileses" so - for me at least - the possessive seems like it should be "Giles's", not "Giles'".
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