yeah, i seriously don't remember where the whole thing went. if anyone has any leads, i'd like to be let in on the secret.
i was going to attempt to be profound with this entry because i've been doing a lot of that lately. rather, i've been acting like i'm being profound when i'm sure the whole bit just comes out as me sounding strange. i'm almost positive that my boyfriend is getting tired of me suddenly blurting out " oh god, I can't believe I'm leaving in 5 days!" or "who are you going to (insert activity here) with while i'm gone?!" but it's true; i am leaving in 5 days and i really do worry about who kyle will go see movies with twice a week while i'm gone. i worry about what life will be like next year when i'm not living in the dorms. i can't believe i will be living in my own apartment with my own refrigerator, sink, and stove. my own couch, even! i just don't feel old enough. last night we went to a forest party and somehow some high school kids found it after their prom. they let us smoke their weed, but the whole situation just made me feel OLD. it still feels like only a few months ago that we were seniors (or even juniors for that matter) having post-prom parties at my dad's house and thinking that WE were pretty awesome when we crashed college parties. now i'm the college student who goes to the college parties. i don't know if anyone feels the same way, but to me it's kind of awkward.
one thing is for certain, i am most definitely going to miss this place. i have made more friends than i could possibly imagine or hope for, and they are all different than most anyone i ever thought i'd hang out with on a regular basis. as i was telling kyle earlier this evening, the disparity between the person i was when i arrived at school and the person i am now is HUGE. i feel like i grow so much every year; it really makes me wonder what kind of person i will be when i graduate. i have compiled a small list of things i will mist the most about this year.
things i will miss the most about this year
>my bed
>my obscenely messy desk
>writing on my desk while i'm talking on the phone
>my roommate
>megan and christina's room
>eating way too much food with ashley and brittany after smoking too much pot
>being obsessed with CSI
>Ashley and Brittany in general
>getting made fun of by myy older friends for being a freshman
>lunch at august moon with joe
>my gay boyfriend
>random conversations with nick
>scrubs night
>picking paint off of brittany's door
>stevie being a bitch
>making fun of the drunkards
>not getting home till at least 3 and then waking up for work at 7
>my crazy fish
obviously many of these things will still be around next year, i'm just sad that i won't have them for four months. and yes, i left everything out about kyle on purpose because it is it's own list entirely. i don't know what i will do without him over the summer, (please give leeway for corniness) but i miss him already. i can still remember everything about the way we met, our first dates, the first time we kissed, etc. i really hope things don't change next year. being that i don't want to go to bed, and i'm having fun reminiscing, i'm going to make a whole list dedicated to everything i'm going to miss about kyle while i'm gone.
everything i'm going to miss about kyle while i'm gone
>arguing over: who has to pick where we eat, who has to pick what we do, either of us being moody, random tangents, the grey area
>the look he gets when i tell him something is cute
>his obsession with his phone (sometimes it really bothers me, but usually it's endearing)
>his goofy facial expressions
>the incessant clicking noise he makes with his tongue ring
>him teasing me for being short, for doing something retarded, for saying something retarded, or for making the expression i have when i wake up
>his bed, and him stealing covers from me in the middle of the night
>being late for french because we slept in ten minutes late
>doing laundry
>the "pay attention to me!!!" gestures
>trying to be suave about tickling
>the way he forgets when he tells me a story and retells it to me about seven times
>being "that" couple
>his freckles and his cowlick
>his goofy walk
okay, i'm done. this is getting to be too much for even me! i am such a geek.