My brother's baby was born yesterday at 1:26 pm. Much to our was a girl. Her name is Macey Jane (she is obviously named after me). But so i'm going to be annoying and post tons of pictures of her on her. Bwahahaha. Well because we got pictures of her right after she was born..and you know how most babies are kinda ugly at first. she
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Let's see. Friday morning Michael and Leeanne left for Iowa. And saturday morning Brendan, Bellen, Jocelyn, Nick and I went to breakfast with Jenkins before he left. So that was all fun, but it still sucked that everyone was leaving
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Well this the state tournament for speech and debate sucked. And Kyle is officially the debate captain for next year. That kind of made the entire thing suck anymore (at least for me
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Birthday was on friday, went to dinner with my parents, went to Eric's show at Jenna's coffee shop (the brew pot) and went and played pool
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tonight i'm getting baptised at the worship service at church. Ivy was suppose to do it with me, but she bailed. But her and her mom will be there for me, so that will be nice
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My dad and Dave A. were hanging out yesterday. And I haven't seen Dave is are really long time. I've really only seen him once since Hannah's death. Up until now I had really thought that I had dealt with her death, but i haven't even begun to skim the surface. When she died there was more melodrama than anything else and after the whole thing at
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