Name: Mike Paglia
Age: 35
Location: South Carolina, USA
Gender: M
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Salty Brown
Sexual preference: with my wife; with candles.
Color(s): PerryWinkle
Band(s): Dylan; Doors; The Dead: RadioHead; White Stripes; BB King: The Band; Clapton.....
Movie(s): One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest; (the original) Jayne Ayre; (The original) Time Machine; Identity; Citizen Kane; Escape from Alcatraz; The Jerk; Spiderman 1&2; Farnheit 9/11; all the Monty Python ones......
Book(s): I'm not much of a reader of literature; due to my short attention span; but I tend to have better luck with comicbooks: PVP; Liberty Meadows;
Dork; Milk and Cheese; Lethargic Lad; Bear; Savage Dragon; Teen Titans Go; Too Much Coffee Man......(among a slew of webcomics).
Author(s): (see above explanation). I like to read Bob Dylan lyrics; while sniffing fresh coffee.
Food(s): I tend to like all kinds of food. I'm supposed to be a vegetarian; but what the hell!
Drink(s): Coffee and Lime Water are my faves. I don't drink alcohol-- gives me seizures; and memory problems:(
Quote: "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"-- Bob Dylan
[This or That]
Coke or Pepsi: neither; but if it was the only thing left; I'd choose Pepsi.
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes; My wife's one; but I like her red Auburn. Blondes never had fun with me.
Guys or Girls: Both are fine with me. Gotta live with em all. Dogs don't argue much, though.
Long nails or Short nails: Short. I tend to leave my toenails pointy to poke my wife with.
Black or White: you mean the Michael Jackson song? It's ok.
Jesus or Buddha: Buddah
Summer or Winter: Winter.
Rock or Rap: rock beats wrapping paper any day; I like classical nowadays
Movies or Music: Music; most movies nowadays are drivelous bores and remakes of classics.
6 or 7: gahhh-- choices!!!! Ummm... 9; because I can be that way. It pisses off my wife sometimes.
Misanthropist or Philanthropist: Philly all da way.
British Literature or American Literature: they both have alot of words.
[Random Questions]
What is your opinion of George Bush? next question, please!
Describe your favorite outfit: baggy shirt, shorts, sandals, wallet, and, housekeys.
What is your opinion of highschool? my experience? too short and boring.
Describe your physical appearance in 5 words or less: coffee stains and skin tags.
Describe yourself in 5 words or less: short hair; eyes; nose....
Pick either Jesus or Buddha and describe the one you chose in 5 words or less: Buddah; because I don't take Jesus seriously; or else I'll get very cynical--PAG SMASH!! and this is why I'm a cartoonist. And Buddah has a belly like mine!!
[Relevant Questions]
Why do you want to join this community? the title of the community amuses me. From what I've read; the members seem interesting.
Why should we accept you? when Live Journal goes down in flames; I should be on board for the final ride! That and good communities are a dime a dozen. Okay, I'm bored. Damn you:)
Ok, so this isn't a question, but promote us to a user or community and tell us who:
it_came_from_lj: one of my communities about some random posts; which I make into comics. Be afraid:)
Please include at least 2 pictures of yourself