Jan 05, 2005 05:45
As I noted above this LJ wouldn't be possible without the ever patient help of Mags! :D She helped me soooooooooooo much and told me the code to do! :D
I'll hopefully be putting up a full entry later today all the people who are befriended. :) And anyone who wants to be befriended post here.
Aug 17, 2004 23:26
My journal is going friends only, because I'm going to rant in it and make it all nice. :$ Don't want people taking my work and I know friends won't do that even though my work sucks. Please post and tell me who you are in it, so I know you're my friend. ;)
Jul 19, 2004 20:25
Hello world! Good evening...Okay that's all my cheeriness. My quota has been exceeded..But I have one of these....:( Too lazy to change my picture or do anything important...So tata for now.