Pairing: Joon/Thunder
Genre: Romance/Fluff-ish
Rating: PG
A/N: for
iheartmblaq. the request for joon/thunder was made and it stuck in my head. this is one of the things that popped out. i apologize if this fails.
He is your opposite, your complement. He is serious and thoughtful while you are goofy and apropos nothing. He makes you laugh with one well-timed remark and you make him choke up with unexpectedly kind words. He is the one you didn’t want to like because he wasn’t there at the start of the group. You are the one he didn’t want to like because you are too loud, too sexy, too cocky, too everything he isn’t.
You hold Mir’s hand randomly on variety shows and cuddle with Seungho in pictures. You even, though rarely, goof off with Byunghee in public. Fangirls love Joomi. Some even love Joonho. He is rarely paired with anybody. Often ignored, pushed aside for the more obvious attractions of your abs, Mir’s cute face, Byunghee’s mustache, and Seungho’s lips.
You know how amazing his softer abdomen feels against your skin. You think cute is overrated because his face goes cat-like and sexy. Facial hair has never been a turn on and damn if he doesn’t know exactly how to use his lips to kiss away the pain or to make you moan in ecstasy. You consider him underrated and you overrated.
You watch him laugh, face lighting up with humor, eyes slanting shut and lips parting to reveal that tongue you fantasize about when it is not working over your body. You love his laugh, his smile and wonder how it moved from dislike to friendship to passion so seamlessly. Then he turns and looks at you, licks his lips, a move not caught on camera and you don’t care anymore how it moved. You just thank the universe at large for it moving at all.