Title: Profoundly Never Yours
Pairing: Rain/Joon
Rating: G
A/N: That’s right. It’s not smut. The craziness.
“Hyung, don’t ever do that again.” Joon snarled and grabbed Rain’s wrist.
Foreign country, different rules, different customs and the illusion of freedom emboldened him. In that time, that place he felt he could do anything and say anything without reprisal. Later, when they both set foot on their home soil, the rules would reassert themselves and he knew he’d never, never dare confront his boss, his mentor, his elder.
Slicking pool-wet hair back from his face, Rain turned. “Do what exactly?”
His voice, normally warm and vibrant, sliced dark and cold through Joon’s newfound sense of daring. But, the thought slid through his mind, I’ll never have this chance again. I’ll never be this daring again. With a look into icy brown eyes, he thought, or this stupid.
“Hubby. Don’t ever call me hubby again. Not even jokingly.” His fingers tightened on Rain’s wrist.
Raising one eyebrow, Rain said, “It was a joke. Lighten up, Joon-ah.” He lightly tugged his arm, relaxed when Joon’s hand didn’t loosen. “Chill out.” He grinned lightly at the English phrase.
“I know it was a joke but it wasn’t funny.” He felt the mixture of hope and pain worm through his heart as it had when he’d first heard the lighthearted “hubby” and realized it could never be.
Twisting his hand slightly, Rain grasped Joon’s wrist, locking them together. Joon gasped at the gentle hold on his arm. “In a different time, a different place, it wouldn’t be a joke, Changsun.” With a tug, he kissed him lightly on the lips, just a hint of tongue before pulling away, releasing Joon’s wrist.
“Hyung,” Joon started and faltered as Rain turned away. “Jihoon..” Again he faltered as Rain’s shoulders visibly tensed. He wanted, desperately, to say something deep, profound, moving. Something to convince Rain for just this once they could pretend.
But the words evaporated on his tongue and footsteps accompanied by laughter drifted towards them. And he watched Rain walk away.