Title: Tea for Two (not purposefully a DBSK reference, i swear)
Pairing: Joon/Cheondong
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Length: Drabble
His hands are warm from his cup of tea. Your hands are cold from nerves.
"Your tea is getting cold," he murmurs over the rim of his cup.
You glance down but you don't really see the cooling tea. You see the scenarios that have played in your head for the past several months. Him laughing at you. Him disgusted with you. Him shaking his head sadly. Always him walking away.
The apartment is empty except for you and him. The silence weighs heavy on your ears even as you hear him lightly slurp his tea. Knots twist and coil in your gut as you glance up at him, into that steady caramel gaze.
"You said you wanted to talk to me. Privately." His cup clinks against the saucer. "It doesn't get more private than this."
His hands, with their careful fingers, rest on the table on either side of his cup. You inhale, exhale, and grab his hands - so warm - in your cold ones. "I'm falling in love with you."
His gaze stays steady but a gleam appears as a slow, satisfied grin spreads across his elfin features. "It's about damn time, Doongie."