Title: Reaching for the Phone Pt. 1
Pairing: Joon/Rain
Rating: PG
A/N: Read
smutty Pt. 2 hereHe jiggled the cell phone in his hand, sipped the whiskey from the glass in the other hand. Rain pattered against the night-dark windows lining one wall of his apartment's living room. His wavering reflection in the glass exactly mirrored how he was feeling inside.
To call or not to call.
Not exactly the deep philosophical question Hamlet wrestled with but still a tough one for Joon. He swallowed another mouthful of whiskey and let the fire sliding down his throat burn away his fears, his doubts.
He pressed the green call button.
Two rings and a husky “hello” nearly killed his alcohol-induced courage. He nearly hung up except that warm voice, smoother than his whiskey, said, “Joon?”
Ah, the joy of instant caller identification. “Yea. Hey. I'm sorry to be calling so late.” Right. If he was truly sorry, he wouldn't have done it.
“Is something wrong? Did something happen?” The sleepy roughness faded as panic woke the other man up. “Are you okay? The other boys?”
“Nothing is wrong. Nothing has happened.” As long as you discount the pain pounding in Joon's chest. “I'm fine. The other members are great. Sleeping like babies.” I'm not fine, damnit. I want you. I think...I think I'm-
“Oh. Thank God.” The panic receded and left just curiosity. “So why are you calling at one in the morning?”
Joon cleared his throat. “Um.” Cleared it again. “I just...I don't know. It's nothing. I shouldn't have called.” I just wanted to hear your voice.
Silence. Then, “Joonie-ah, you woke me up from my first full night's sleep in over a month for nothing?”
“Yea. Yea. It was stupid of me. Sorry, hyung.” He bit his lip to keep the words in the back of his throat from pouring out.
The exasperated sigh puffed through the cell phone. “Are you drinking?”
Joon looked guiltily at his whiskey glass. “Just one drink. To relax.”
“Couldn't sleep?”
“No.” The dreams of you were making that impossible.
“Excuse me?”
“What?” Joon though frantically, I didn't just say that last part out loud. I didn't.
“Dreams. Of me.” The voice was musing. “You dream of me, Changsun?”
Ohshitohshitohshit. “That's obviously not what I meant. I misspoke. Probably the whiskey.”
“Mmmm. Really. What do you dream about me, Changsun?”
“Uh. N-nothing. You know...the usual. Just.” Thinkthinkthink. “Practices, performances. Stuff like that.”
A low chuckle sent heat rushing over Joon's skin. “Alright, Joonie-ah. If you ever dream anything more...interesting about me, feel free to call me in the middle of the night.” Joon swallowed. Bi continued, “But next time, be prepared to share the details. All the details.”
The silk-wrapped sex in Bi's voice had Joon practically panting. “Details. Right.”
“Goodnight, Joonie-ah. Sleep well.” There was a rustle of sheets that had Joon's imagination firing. “Dream of me.”