Title: Nothing Lasts Forever
Pairing: Mir/Joon
Rating: PG
Written for
August's theme better late than never, i guess
“Nothing lasts forever.”
Joon stared at Mir as if he were speaking Greek. Or French. Or Arabic. The words simply didn't make sense even spoken in Korean. “What?”
“Nothing lasts forever, Joonie-ah. You and I were never going to, that's for sure.” Mir crinkled his nose. “And I'm young and Cheondoongie is so sexy with his new muscles. You can't expect me to pass up the opportunity to be with him.”
Joon blinked. Suddenly his world tilted too far to the left and he felt dizzy. “You're dumping me for Cheondoong.”
“Yes and no. I was going to break up with you anyway. We've run our course. It just so happens Cheondoong caught my interest around the same time I made the decision.” Mir clapped Joon on the shoulder. “It's been fun. You'll find someone good for you one day.”
Not bothering to watch the younger man's retreating figure, Joon shook his head. Cheondoong? Mir planned to hook up with Cheondoong? How was that even possible when it had been Joon's plan for the last two weeks?
a/n: omg. my muses are so quiet and lazy and crappy right now. a thousand apologies for the lame that is my writing.