Title: Thunder's Large Competition
Pairing: Joon/Thunder
Rating: PG
Word Count: 111
Written for
September's theme A/N: the fortune Joon receives is one a friend of mine actually got in a fortune cookie. We laughed so hard over it. ^___^
“Today, beware of kissing elephants.” Joon glanced from the bizarre fortune to Thunder. “What the hell does that mean?”
Thunder chewed thoughtfully on a piece of beef, making Joon lean forward expectantly. His boyfriend was full of unexpected insights. Swallowing, Thunder rested his elbows on the table and moved his face closer to Joon's. “Is there something you wish to confess, Joonie-ah?”
“Confess?” Quizzical look on his face, Joon blinked.
“I mean,” Playing idly with his lover's fingers, Thunder said, “I sort of expect Mir, Rain, or even Jung Yunho to be competition for your affection. Can't say I ever considered worrying about a pachyderm.”