Title: Halloween Drabble
Pairing: Joomi
Rating: G
A/N: actually the beginning of a longer fic....i just haven't written the rest yet. lol. i suck. no pun intended
“I can't believe you are going out dressed as a vampire.” Mir rolled over in bed, propped his chin on one hand.
Joon raised an eyebrow. “You don't like the red satin-lined black cape?” He turned to the full length mirror and studied his costume. Thank goodness the whole idea of vampires not having reflections proved bogus. He slicked back his black hair and smiled, letting his fangs touch his lower lip.
“It is very old-world vampire. I mean, you are dressing up as what you actually are for a costume party. Seems like cheating.” Sprawled naked amidst the rumpled bedsheets, Mir grimaced. “You should aim for more creativity. Go as a pirate. Or something.” He tilted his head. “You'd look sexy with an eye patch.”
Laughing, Joon strode over to kiss Mir full on the lips, careful to keep his fangs retracted. “Only you know I am actually a vampire. Besides, it isn't like I wear the full Dracula outfit on a nightly basis. Normally it is jeans and hoodies.”
“True.” Mir conceded the point with a small moue of his lips which enticed another, longer kiss from Joon. “Bring me back someone tasty, yes?”
“Any special requests?” Joon stood at the door, having moved faster than Mir's eyes could follow.
“Long. Lean. Maybe blonde.” A moment of thought. “Pretty. But male, this time. Please.”
Joon flashed a wicked grin. “You enjoyed the last one, though.”
“Mmmm.” Mir rubbed his lips together. "She was delicious."