Name: Ryan
Age: 27
Contact info:
burnoutlives@yahoo.comRequested Character: The Joker
Character Journal: burnout4200 (IC Blog)
Characters Age: Old enough to be spiteful yet young enough to enjoy it
Hero or Villain: villain
Series of Origin: Batman
Universe of Origin: DC
Personality: Simply put The joker is a goofy trickster-theif and criminal mastermind.
He has no true personality of his own, that on any given day he can be a harmless clown or a vicious killer, depending on which would benefit him the most.
Background: The jokers background is unknown even to him. He himself is confused as to what actually happened; "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha ha ha!" The Joker may not be insane, but has some sort of "super-sanity" in which he re-creates himself each day to cope with the chaotic flow of modern urban life, but then again who knows.
Powers and/or Special Skills:The Joker is portrayed as highly intelligent and skilled in the fields of chemistry and engineering, as well an expert with explosives. He has shown skill in hand to hand combat but perfers to hide behind his entourage of henchmen
Current Location: unknown
Anything else we should know? Well he's crazy.