Ganked from Frank:
[[[ PAST ]]]
[ First grade teacher's name: ] For the first half of the year it was DeWolf and the second half it was Gibson because Mrs. Dewolf retired mid-year
[ Last word you said: ] Yes!
[ Last song you sang: ] Amazing Grace at Mr. Obbie's Funeral
[ Last person you hugged: ] I think my mom
[ Last thing you laughed at: ] How easy the games actually are on the Nick Game Show channel
[ Last time you cried: ] A few weeks ago
[[[ PRESENT ]]]
[ What's in your CD player? ] I don't own a CD player
[ What color socks are you wearing? ] Currently, none as I'm always barefoot around the house, but I only wear black
[ What's under your bed? ] Wouldn't you like to know...;-)...But really, just some boardgames
[ What time did you wake up today? ] 11 AM, the latest in at least 10 months
[ Current taste: ] Cherries
[ Current hair: ] Too long
[ Current clothes: ] T-shirt and jeans
[ Current annoyance: ] My "D" key likes to stick lately
[ Current longing: ] For September to come
[ Current desktop picture: ] The "Crystal" design on Windows XP
[ Current worry: ] That something isn't really screwed up on my "D" key
[ Current hate: ] Mosquitos
[ Current favorite article of clothing: ] ESPN Sportscenter Hat
[ Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: ] Hm...I'll say cheeks/cheek bones
[ Last CD that you listened to: ] Oh geez...I can't even remember...
[ Favorite place to be: ] Clean Room at RIT
[ Least favorite place: ] Any non-Math, Physics or Engineering course at RIT
[ Time you wake up in the morning: ] During this past school year, 5:30, on days I have to work, at least 2 hours before my shift starts and the upcoming school year, probably 9 ish as classes won't start until 12.
[ If you could play an instrument, what would it be: ] Well, other than the ones I know how to (Trombone, Baritone, Tuba and very little Piano) I'd go with either the Contra Bassclarinet, Bassoon or Bari Sax (I like the low ones)
[ Favorite color: ] Kelly Green
[ Do you believe in an afterlife?] Purgatory then Heaven, or Hell, depending on how you act, or just Heaven or Hell at the apocolypse
[ How tall are you? ] 6'7.5"
[ Current favorite word/saying: ] "hey, how's it going?"...I've got to find a better start to my AIM conversations as most of you are probably sick of it
[ Favorite book: ] Can't go wrong with The Bible, but "Who's Looking Out For You" is good for non-religious non-fiction
[ Favorite season: ] Fall
[ One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: ] Lindsey Breen of all people and only a couple of you know who she was although Hallauer would probably remember her a lot
[ Favorite day: ] Thursday, because this summer Thursdays are my Fridays and I usually have to do stuff on Friday
[[[ FUTURE ]]]
[ Where do you want to go? ] Dream job would be IBM in East Fishkill, NY (Between Albany and NYC)
[ What is your career going to be like? ] In a cubicle like Dilbert designing something on a scale smaller than 100 microns (10e-6 meters) as that is the point where Electrical Engineering becomes Microelectronic Engineering
[ How many kids do you want? ] As many as God blesses me and my wife, but ideally a boy, then 2-4 years later a girl so that she had a big brother to help her out. (DISCLAIMER: Don't yell at me about this, it's just what I want) And I already know what their first and/or middle names will be, but you'll just have to wait! (At a minimum 10 years though)
[ What kind of car will you have? ] Something I fit in
[[[ HAVE YOU EVER... ]]]
[ Said "I love you" and meant it? ] In what context? As in a family member, close friend or in terms of a relationship? Using my criteria: Yes, Yes, No
[ Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: ] No
[ Been to New York? ] Yes
[ Been to Florida? ] Yes
[ Danced naked? ] Ha! It's hard to get me to do either so definately not.
[ Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: ] All the time. I have deja vu about a couple of times a day.
[ Wanted to be the opposite sex? ] Nope
[ Had an imaginary friend? ] No, my friend when I was 2 years old, according to my parents, was a calculator
[[[ RANDOM ]]]
[ Do you have a crush on someone? ] Yes, the 3rd girl in 5 or so months
[ What book are you reading now? ] Rereading "Deliver Us From Evil"
[ Worst feeling in the world? ] Geez...there's a few that are too close to call
[ What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? ] Where's my glasses?
[ How many rings before you answer? ] On my cell, immediately if it is a special ringtone that I have for a few different people, 3 if not and at home, I usually let the machine get it because it's never for me.
[ Future daughter's name: ] That's for me to know, and for you to find out! ;-)
[ Future son's name: ] That's for me to know, and for you to find out! ;-)
[ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? ] Nope
[ Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? ] Righty, but working on the left one, especially when I'm put on the odd numbered registers at work.
[ Do you do drugs? ] Never have, never will
[ Do you drink? ] Nope and don't really plan to
[ Who are your best friends? ] I don't want to leave anyone out that may see this, but you know who you are.
[ How many siblings do you have? ] One
[ What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? ] Head and Shoulders
[ What are you most scared of? ] Dying alone
[ What clothes do you sleep in? ] T-shirt and underwear usually
[ Who is the last person that called you? ] IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE SOMEONE HAS CALLED ME! Accroding to my phone, Rose back on April 24 at 12:07 pm.
[ Where do you want to get married? ] Church, or if some reason she isn't Catholic, somewhere where a dual ceremony would occur
[ Who do you really hate? ] There's two people, but I won't put them here as some of you may or may not be friends with one or both of them.
[ Favorite smell: ] Just before it rains in Spring when it's hot and still a bit sunny
[ Favorite number: ] 10
[ Been In Love? ] "What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt more." -Night at the Roxbury sketch haha...
[ What Type Automobile Do You Drive? ] The occassional drive in the Suburban with the parents
[ Are You Timely Or Always Late? ] Timely, unless it involves my mom
[ Do You Have A Job? ] Yes
[ Do You Like Being Around People? ] Holy conditional question Batman!
[ Best feeling in the world? ] Either helping someone out when they need you, or showing someone you care for them by doing something just for them and not for you; all give, no take.
[ Are you for world peace? ] Yes, although it is essentially unattainable as humans are greedy
[ Are you a health freak? ] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[ Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now? ] In what context? If in the context that is most widely assumed, then yes.
[ Are You Lonely Right Now? ] Yeah, a little bit
[ Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married? ] Not afraid, but I realize it is a possibility
[ Do You Want To Get Married? ] Depends on what God wants for me
[ Do You Want Kids? ] Depends on what God wants for me
[ Cried: ] No
[ Bought Something: ] Rewards Membership at BJ's
[ Gotten Sick: ] No
[ Sang: ] No
[ Said I Love You: ] No
[ Met Someone New: ] Attempted to
[ Moved On: ] I don't really have anything to move on from anymore
[ Talked To Someone: ] Of course
[ Had A Serious Talk: ] Not in the last 48 hours
[ Missed Someone: ] Yes
[ Hugged Someone: ] No
[ Kissed Someone: ] Haha, you were going to get a "No" here even if you put "In the course of your life, have you..."
[ Fought With Your Parents: ] No
[ Had a lot of sleep: ] 9 hours last night (largest amount since last August)
That one was pretty decent, albeit long.
Life Is Good.