Been hella busy of late, and on FB more lately.
I started a 'professional' blog over on Insane Journal. I'll link it once I have some actual content there.
for now, have a HILARIOUS and DISTURBING song/video about Buffalo Bill!
Click to view
Bonus - Jay does Buffalo Bill dance vid! (sorry, no embed allowed)
dark humor,
clerks 2,
buffalo bill
Feb 27, 2009 00:41
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given. Also, make sure you specify in your comment that you want subjects for the meme.
The 5 that
kittymaru gave me are:
1. video games
3. ohgr
4. daisy chain 4 satan
My responses are inside the cut. )
Feb 16, 2009 22:14
So yesterday I spent most of the day with
kittymaru - killing zombies, working on art projects and eating tasty Chinese food. Nothing surreal or otherwise out of the ordinary here, other than the fact that we actually got to spend most of an entire day together, which is all to rare on me
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