
Aug 27, 2004 08:35

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I have just been REALLY busy. So here are some brief notes of what I have been upto ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

otakushan August 27 2004, 08:43:33 UTC
The new exorcist was a very bad movie. A very very bad movie. No biscuit for this bad, bad movie.

Skarsdale (or whatever his name is, the main character) looks and sounds like a cheaper Russell Crowe. How appropriate, I say, because this movie was a cheap copy of the original Exorcist.

It could have been a good movie. Had they not made it an exorcist film and focused on a priest who lost his faith in the Holocaust, then that could have been a good movie. Had it been an exorcist film and not focused more on the Holocaust than on the demon, then it could have been a good film. But since they combined it, it is not a good film.


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