Jul 26, 2005 23:56

This in from some genius on a board adding their comments about the Natalee Holloway case:

I'm a mixed race male(black/italian)and I am astounded at you wishfulthinking. The fact that you, a black woman are actually lowering yourself to live among such inbred,hick,white trash filth as the alabamians. Or southern caucasians in general for that matter. You need to move north with the civilized people. The folks who don't participate in family sex,beastiality,or any other freaky perverted southern nonsense. How can you sit there and complain about some guy saying you do your job poorly because you're black,when you're asking for it by living in the south? Honestly, no minority with the available money, and common sense,would lower themselves to living in the south. Same goes for northern caucasians.If you're living amongst sister and brother fucking rednecks, and you're not white, hey newsflash wishful, they are going to be racist towards you. Don't take offense to this post, it's what I call tough love. I hate to see anyone, black,(northern)white,creole,mixed,asian,latino,native american have to suffer by living in the south amongst such human garbage. Since you have traveled the world, I take it you have money. So do yourself a favor, get the hell out of the south woman lol. Move to cali, new york, pennsylvania,mass.,anywhere just leave the south and avoid the midwest at all costs. They're just as bad. Only fatter.*breathes*..NOW...with that being said, onto this Natalee Holloway story.I don't think her race has anything to do with it really. FOX news is a conservative news channel. So why not constantly run a story about a missing hillbilly girl when your audience is mainly from states that are rampant with hillbillies?AFter all, the red states voted Bush in, not the blue ones. FOX is just pandering to their audience.and CNN doesn't cover this as much when compared to FOX.Trust me I know.I personally hope Natalee is dead. The way I see it,southern whites (rednecks,hillbillies,whatever) are useless and handicap society with their incestual,racist,pig fucking ways. and Someone needs to wipe them out like hitler almost wiped out the jews. Only the jews didn't deserve it,southern whites do. Whos really gonna miss Natalee? Just another redneck hillbilly, who like a gang member or child molestor, means about this (holds up zero sign) much to society.Now look at this situation. The arubans have purposely screwed up this investigation and continue to release and retract info. Why? Because aruba is an island full of what we here in the U.S. would call minorities. You think they give a shit about a missing redneck? Trust me, they know just how bigoted southerners are, and frankly, they don't give a damn about this girl. and They shouldn't. The world would be better off without another junior klan member from the south.Plus being a trust fund brat myself, I'd hate to see a kid like van der sloot and the kalpoes who are going to become important people in their respective countries some day, go down for the murder of white trash scum like N. Holloway.Her future only consisted of working in some local diner like ROSCOS or JIMBOS STEAK (we really know its ROADKILL) AND GRITS or something.So whether they did it or not, I hope they don't get sent to prison.But the most hilarious thing about this whole thing, is that woman who got on her radio show in alabama and said she told the people in georgia,alabama,and mississippi not to visit aruba. LMAO? How much does the white trash that resides in those states pump into the aruban economy every year? Not nearly as much money as they spend on booze and shotgun shells.Oh and arent we forgetting that people who visit foreign lands A.Want to experience different cultures,and B. Have the money to do so? Does that sound like the M.O. of a southern white person? No.Anywhere outside of their redneck states is considered foreign land to those trashbags. Not to mention people in the united states dont even value southern whites as human beings,what makes her think the islanders in aruba give a shit? and Don't think for a second they don't know that southern whites are 7th class citizens in the u.s. If this girl had been from an important part of america,they'd have given a better effort to find her.Those ecusearch guys who showed up to help were from texas.White trash has to look out for white trash and all that jazz.On the subject of mississippi, Natalee is originally a mississippi native. That really makes her more of piece of trailor trash than she already was living in bama.I'm sure her mom had delusions of moving to the north with us superior educated people but knew they would NOT be accepted or wanted here. Not to mention theres too many nonwhites in the north for their liking. The reason why they won't ever find natalee is because of that woman who was on the radio. When you tell a country or island that you will put a dent in their visiting redneck population,if they don't find this missing hillbilly broad, thats more motivation for them not to find her. I'm sure the folks in aruba responded with *Good, keep the missipians,bama trash,and georgia losers off the island*.They're scaring away our upper middle class new york and cali visitors.To sum things up, Natalee is hopefully dead. and If she is, thats just one less redneck in the world.and Thats a cause for celebration. In fact,when they fish her body out of the waters of aruba, I'll most likely throw a party with all of my upper middle class friends (of all races)&family in new york. They hate southern whites just as much as I do.

I am so. Pissed. Off.

Cut for swearing, as I typically do when I'm angry.

I'm a mixed race male(black/italian)and I am astounded at you wishfulthinking. The fact that you, a black woman are actually lowering yourself to live among such inbred,hick,white trash filth as the alabamians. Or southern caucasians in general for that matter. You need to move north with the civilized people. The folks who don't participate in family sex,beastiality,or any other freaky perverted southern nonsense. How can you sit there and complain about some guy saying you do your job poorly because you're black,when you're asking for it by living in the south? Honestly, no minority with the available money, and common sense,would lower themselves to living in the south. Same goes for northern caucasians.If you're living amongst sister and brother fucking rednecks, and you're not white, hey newsflash wishful, they are going to be racist towards you.

Before you fucking go off on a stereotype, try checking your facts, asshole. Alabamians are not "white trash filth." In fact, Alabama has a SHITLOAD of ethnicities running around, and white trash is, amazingly and thankfully, the MINORITY of the state population. Furthermore, those people who are INBRED are regarded as FREAKS, and mentioned in the papers for that very reason. It is NOT common to find inbred people here, as it is ILLEGAL in most counties (except maybe two or three) to marry a blood relative. Novel concept, I'm sure, even though it shouldn't be to you, as a supposedly civilized Northerner.

Also, one is no more likely to find people who engage in bestiality in Alabama THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD. Again, such people are regarded as nutjobs and wackos, and promptly thrown into the papers for entertainment value. "Perverts" aren't a sort of BRAND of people that come from Alabama, let alone the entire American South, dumbass.

Don't take offense to this post, it's what I call tough love. I hate to see anyone, black,(northern)white,creole,mixed,asian,latino,native american have to suffer by living in the south amongst such human garbage. Since you have traveled the world, I take it you have money. So do yourself a favor, get the hell out of the south woman lol. Move to cali, new york, pennsylvania,mass.,anywhere just leave the south and avoid the midwest at all costs. They're just as bad. Only fatter.*breathes*

Yeah? Well, I'm a Northern white, punk. And though I haven't agreed with many aspects of Alabama, I'd have to say that I've had it fairly good here -- I've gotten an education, lived in a nice house, and enjoyed privileges of being a middle class citizen. Some of the people I've met here have been jerks, but jerks, unfortunately, can be found everywhere -- not just in a particular region.

*..NOW...with that being said, onto this Natalee Holloway story.I don't think her race has anything to do with it really. FOX news is a conservative news channel. So why not constantly run a story about a missing hillbilly girl when your audience is mainly from states that are rampant with hillbillies?AFter all, the red states voted Bush in, not the blue ones. FOX is just pandering to their audience.and CNN doesn't cover this as much when compared to FOX.Trust me I know.I personally hope Natalee is dead. The way I see it,southern whites (rednecks,hillbillies,whatever) are useless and handicap society with their incestual,racist,pig fucking ways. and Someone needs to wipe them out like hitler almost wiped out the jews. Only the jews didn't deserve it,southern whites do. Whos really gonna miss Natalee? Just another redneck hillbilly, who like a gang member or child molestor, means about this (holds up zero sign) much to society.Now look at this situation. The arubans have purposely screwed up this investigation and continue to release and retract info. Why? Because aruba is an island full of what we here in the U.S. would call minorities. You think they give a shit about a missing redneck?

Okay, hillbillies? What the fuck are you on? You do realize that hillbillies likely would not have the MONEY for a TV? They'd be barefoot and on farms, not living with TVs and sufficient job income.

As person who lives a mere ten minutes from the area Natalee is from, and a graduate of one of her rival high schools, I'd have to say I find this particularly offensive -- probably because I can venture a guess as to what sort of person Natalee is/was, and what kind of life she led -- and it is NOTHING like you're suggesting. She was an honor student, and a daughter of a non-related mother and father. As a resident of Mountain Brook, she had a nice house and went to an excellent high school, and probably contributed a lot to her community. She was FAR from a gang member or a child molester, and certainly a better person than the delusional racist fuckwad you are.

Trust me, they know just how bigoted southerners are, and frankly, they don't give a damn about this girl. and They shouldn't. The world would be better off without another junior klan member from the south.

Bigoted? There are bigots everywhere, Jim. And the Klan is so damn ABHORRED that people protested EN MASSE when they tried to set up headquarters here. Why? Because despite Alabamians' general dislike for change in government and their constitution, they have become progressively more open-minded, such that racism is frowned upon. Yes, even the RED STATE HILBILLIES WHO VOTED FOR BUSH disagree with racism -- so shove your twisted stick of self-righteousness up your ass.

Oh and arent we forgetting that people who visit foreign lands A.Want to experience different cultures,and B. Have the money to do so? Does that sound like the M.O. of a southern white person? No.Anywhere outside of their redneck states is considered foreign land to those trashbags. Not to mention people in the united states dont even value southern whites as human beings,what makes her think the islanders in aruba give a shit? and Don't think for a second they don't know that southern whites are 7th class citizens in the u.s. If this girl had been from an important part of america,they'd have given a better effort to find her.Those ecusearch guys who showed up to help were from texas.White trash has to look out for white trash and all that jazz.

Uh, excuse me, but Southern white people do enjoy experiencing different cultures, and actually, some of them DO have -- gasp! -- money, not that that makes them ANY better as people. And I'd like to think that my fellow Americans consider me a human being. What the hell else am I?

Of course the Arubans give a shit about the case. It's a fucking EMBARRASSMENT to have people flocking to your country to look for a girl that went MISSING ON YOUR ISLAND in a case that has now lasted for TWO MONTHS, because the media makes it appear that your own authorities can't handle shit by themselves. It's not that they haven't made an "effort," it's that the body is probably ON THE OCEAN FLOOR, and is hence difficult for ANYONE to find. Also, tourism is a BIG means of income for Arubans -- this WILL have a negative impact on said income.

On the subject of mississippi, Natalee is originally a mississippi native. That really makes her more of piece of trailor trash than she already was living in bama.I'm sure her mom had delusions of moving to the north with us superior educated people but knew they would NOT be accepted or wanted here. Not to mention theres too many nonwhites in the north for their liking.

Superior educated people? So, wait, you're including YOURSELF in this classification? Damn, you sure manipulated me! While we're using our imaginations, I thought you were some back alley punk who hardly knew his head from his ass.

Also, you're wrong on the subject of Northerners not accepting Southerners. It may be a culture shock for Southerners when they arrive in the North, but Northerners don't go out of their way to shove them out of the area. In fact, I'm sure they don't really give a damn where a Southerner came from, nor would they care enough to find out, unless it was out of curiosity generated by a Southern drawl, etc. People are people, and it's been over a century since the Civil War, you dumb fuck. No Northerner's going to be fighting a Southerner with a bayonet and shrieking shit about the Union unless they're utterly STRANGE, in which case, let's lump 'em in with you and the perverts you were mentioning earlier.

The reason why they won't ever find natalee is because of that woman who was on the radio. When you tell a country or island that you will put a dent in their visiting redneck population,if they don't find this missing hillbilly broad, thats more motivation for them not to find her. I'm sure the folks in aruba responded with *Good, keep the missipians,bama trash,and georgia losers off the island*.They're scaring away our upper middle class new york and cali visitors.To sum things up, Natalee is hopefully dead. and If she is, thats just one less redneck in the world.and Thats a cause for celebration. In fact,when they fish her body out of the waters of aruba, I'll most likely throw a party with all of my upper middle class friends (of all races)&family in new york. They hate southern whites just as much as I do.

And I'M sure the folks in Aruba don't give two shits which states their tourists are from, as long as said tourists pour out the money. Except, by your logic, New York and California people are the only desirable tourists, because they are the only ones with money.

To sum things up? You make me ASHAMED to be from the Northern U.S. You make us all look like pathetic, sick little fucks with shit for brains and no regard for human life. Get OUT of my country, and take your upper-middle class friends with you to, say, the Congo, where you can dance around with non-hillbillies and enjoy the lack of Southern whites -- I'm sure the citizens will appreciate your ideas about money and human superiority, after they've run you through with a few spears.
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