
Jul 09, 2005 22:11

I've been lacking so much sleep ever since classes started. While I was showering a few weeks ago I had some sort of stroke-ish/brain spasm attack. I was feeling completely fine one min. then suddenly I was short of breath and this intense sense of nausea came over me. All the while I started blacking out on top of feeling, in a lack of better ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

poppa_teets July 12 2005, 22:46:52 UTC
Definately take it easier on yourself jules, if something happens to you id freak out. So summer classes? Im guessing not at UCR. Its a shame, i came to visit a little while ago, and plan to before summer ends. Maybe during the school year, now that i have a car ( w00t )

Yes, so, we shall talk more. Because you are awesome and worth talking to, but im always busy scratching my asscrack.

Yeah but u kno, try to take some time out everyday to relax, just dont have a nervous attack again okay?


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