Nov 24, 2009 19:15

Von curi
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. The average height in my family (siblings x parents) is about 155,4 cm, with my brother raising it. (168cm)
2. I DO love Natto, for which some people might kill me, while eating.
3. I could inhale a pizza in about... 57 seconds? But after being in Japan, it takes longer. :/
4. I have the habit to read washrooms. :P So there are always some books around.
5. I got influenced by Japanese so much that I can speak it more fluently than my mothertongue, which is Italian.
6. Started playing bass when I was 17.
7. I can actually cook, which might derive from the Sicilian origins. Other than that, there is not much left of the "Italianess". XD

I DO NOT tag. :P


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