A year. He couldn't even believe that it had been an entire year. So much had changed... he no longer got airsickness, and that was the least of it. At this time last year, he had been dragged unsuspecting but for whatever reason willing onto an unfamiliar ship by an unfamiliar man, both of which were now symbols of his life, things which were so very familiar to him, things which he couldn't live without. His life before Hamlet now seemed like a dream, and one he never wanted to go back to.
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon when Luke caught John staring vacantly out the window across the room while he was having his tea and came up to stand next to his chair. "You miss her." He pointed out.
"Who?" John asked noncommitedly and took a sip from his teacup.
There was a pause, and then he shrugged, looking back towards the surface of the table. "Perhaps." Another pause. "But I know for certain that you miss Sora."
It was said with some disdain and it took Luke a moment to respond as well. He knew that John had never had the best opinion of Sora, but he couldn't deny the fact that he did indeed miss her. "...Perhaps." He replied eventually, but it sounded to John like much more of a definite 'yes' than his answer had.
As the response came, he reached out and took Luke's hand in his, twining their fingers together, an action which he was pleased to find was met with no resistance.
"Oh, hello Mister Jem." The younger man stopped upon spotting a familiar white-haired man off to the side of the road, standing and attempting to look inconspicuous, but Horatio noticed him straight away.
Jem couldn't help but wince. Horatio knew that he was a dangerous person, but he came up to him like he was the most harmless old man there was. Though he supposed, given the man that he lived with, he couldn't be afraid of much anymore. "Hmm.... 'oratio, waz eet?" He raised an eyebrow. Honestly, it was hard to remember someone's name when they were called 'slave' amongst various other degrading nicknames ninety-nine percent of the time. "What are you doing out... 'ere?"
"Running an errand for my Master." The boy beamed like it was the proudest thing he had ever done, but Jem also noticed that he was shifting and fidgeting terribly like he was nervous and in a hurry.
"You know..." He pointed out. "You could just... run away..."
"Huh?" Horatio's grin faded and he blinked and stared at the older man like he had suddenly grown two extra heads. "Why would I do that?"
"Oh, I don't know..." The white-haired man gave a long, slow shrug. "Ze way 'e treats you...?" Well, that was one amongst many reasons that he could come up with.
"Mmm...." Horatio shrugged and smiled a little again. "No. I could never do that. For one... I like my Master." A slight blush grew on his cheeks and Jem frowned. Honestly, those two had the strangest relationship.
"For another..." Horatio continued. "It wouldn't matter anyway... if I wanted to and tried to escape, Master would find me. I know he would... and he would tear up this city until he did..."
"Ah.... of course." Jem's brow furrowed.
"Oh, but Mister Jem!"
"My Master told me that if I see you, to remind you that you owe him a favor.... mmm I think that was all..." He frowned a little like he was trying to think. "Anyway, I need to go before he misses me. Good afternoon, Mister Jem."
Jem huffed, staring at his back as he left with a thoughtful expression. "Good afternoon indeed."