One year later..........

Sep 23, 2008 10:16

So here I am one year later........

"everything will be fine" "there are plenty of guys out there" "your much better without him" So yeah all of that if true for the most part.... but when does it kick in? when do i get to be in  love again? I thought i had it. I thought i met the man i was going to marry... the man i was going to have for the rest ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

last_gntlman187 October 8 2008, 00:55:12 UTC
i know i have been a terribly bad friend. im sorry that i have not been there like the friend i ought to be. we have been through so much together and its hard, especially now. i really miss you, and i wish we could talk like the good ole days. things are so much more different now.

i know that i promise and promise all these things and fall through, but i hope you know that you are in my heart always my dearest of friends


jganey October 8 2008, 02:20:34 UTC
it comes from both ends and I know that I need to be better about it. It is just hard because I miss you so much! I know you are busy with school and everything but I just wish that we talked more than once a week ya know?

I know that you have not "forgotten" me and you know that you will always be one of my dearest friends too! Im just going through some shitty things and you have always been my rock to talk to when my life is in the gutter and its hard not having you a text or a phone call away...but i know i need to be less selfish.


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