last cigarette: idk :/
last kiss: um monday.
last good cry: last sunday...
last library book checked out: never
last movie seen: Pirates of the Carrabien
last book read: Big FIsh
last cuss word uttered: Shit
last beverage drank: Dr. Pepper
last food consumed: Um, cheeseburger delux with fries and chicken neggets from Wendy's
last crush: kevin..unfortunatly still.
last phone call: Jessica
last tv show watched: TRL
last time showered: and hour ago
last shoes worn: sandles
last cd played: White Stripes-WHite blood cells
last item bought: shoes
last thing downloaded: porn
last annoyance: PHILS MOM CALLED ME AGAIN, right after he left my house. haha
last disappointment: homo..
last soda drank: Dr. Pepper.
last thing written: someones phone number
last key used: my house..
last word spoken: turtle
last sleep: last night
last sexual fantasy: in school, when i was with phil. i dazed out and thought of me and him together.
last weird encounter: THe turtle
last ice cream eaten: cookies and cream
last time amused: today, when jeff came to my house wearing thos purple pants. hehe
last time wanting to die: Last sunday
last time you fell in love: *cries*
last time hugged: jeff and phil came over...
last time scolded: idk. today
last time resentful: always resentful am i
last chair sat in: the one im in right now.
last lipstick used: my avon lipstick.
last underwear worn: white silky thing
last bra worn: white silk one..
last shirt worn: white tank with pockets
last time dancing: the other night.
last poster looked at: RazorBlade Romance *orgasm*
last show attended: i was in west side...
last webpage visited: LAUNCH
1 MINUTE AGO: The turtle.
1 HOUR AGO: Phil and Jeff
1 DAY AGO: Hicky ...
1 WEEK AGO: wasting my time on someone who will never feel the same
1 YEAR AGO: IDFK!!! what kind of question is that?
I HURT: myself
I LOVE: No one
I DisLIKE: Kevin
I HATE: Being lied to.
I FEAR: being hurt
I HOPE: i find someone
I FEEL: alone
I HIDE: how i truely feel
I DRIVE: sex
I MISS: the way things were
I LEARNED: no one is worth it
I NEED: sex
I THINK: alot
current music: SOTY
current taste: Toothpaste
current hair: airdried crappy
current annoyance: my parents
current smell: idk, the air
current thing I should be doing: going over lines.
current desktop picture: My Ville wallpaper made by Me!
current refreshment: DR.PEPPER for 1 billionth time.
current worry: i have to many.
1. What do you most like about your body?: my lips
2. And least: well Quinn says my eyes are sexy...
3. How many fillings do you have?: 4
4. Do you think you're good looking?: no.
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: lauren says i am.
6. Do you look like any celebrities?: no, im an original
that was stupid.