New poem-song-thingy

Oct 13, 2009 16:16


It’s easy to see, from time to time, when we look upon the past

Through faults and blunders that we’ve made, experience we’ve amassed.

How far we’ve come, how little we know, these seldom make a difference;

No, what we need in this dire time is wisdom and persistence.

To see what is between the lines and the meaning of expressions

Shows you who cheats and lies, along with other perceptions.

Now some will ask, ‘How does wisdom help? Persistence is all we need.’

To this I shall reply simply ‘Avoid Officer Mary.’

For those of you who know the story, the wisdom is easy in this:

It will keep me out of trouble when avoiding studying for tests.

Don’t go to the abandoned Bowling Alley looking for old pins

First off, I already took them and gave them to my friends.

The second reason is funny and we are proud of this:

The police have placed poles to close-off the entrance.

Now, taking measures to seal the place off from ‘vandalism’ and ‘theft’

Means the police are watching for the next ‘student threat.’

Especially Officer Mary, who isn’t all that bright

For we did manage to embarrass her on that Spring night.

Take the advice of one of my friends, which I was told a bit late

‘Don’t tease the animals, no matter what form they take!’

I'm pleased; though i think I still have some ironing-out to do ;-)

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