This is a project I'm going to start to see if my writing improves. In the back of our (my class') class notes there are 365 writing prompts. Which means everyday starting today I'm going to write an entry in hopes of... blah! -- Here's the first topic :P :
What are your writing goals for the year?
Hmmmmmm... I plan to get a few more songs out before this time next year. I want to start writing more poetry, maybe a few short stories, and generally have ideas flowing and getting things written. I want to be one of those people that others point at and go "Ooh! She did thus-and-such!" or something to that effect. I no longer want to be Robert's daughter, Beth's daughter, or that girl with the non-social brother.
I realize I already am 'Jennifer' to most of my friends but I want to be Jennifer to other random people I meet in the fandom community, too. I don't want one of the first things they say to be "Oh, Jennifer! Robert's daughter, right?" (no offense, dad)
But that's waaaaay in the future (lol). For this year I want to write in a sufficient manner -- one that will have me passing my... oh, i dunno -- writing classes? :P I'll work on the other stuff in the future I suppose but for now, I have this. My first writing topic for the next 365 days.