Well, with being distracted Naruto, reading my ficlet from Lauren (hee! Read it
here *huggles* Tis a wonderful, early birthday pressie), I wasn't quite as productive as I was hoping to be. Basically, I have the BmB, Fruits Basket, and X/1999 shipping memes done. No spoilers for Vol 4 of Fruits Basket, but major spoilers for X/1999. But it's at the bottom so just skip it if you don't want to know what's going to happen.
Boy Meets Boy
"One True Pairing" Ship: Mikhael/Tybalt. I think that if Tybalt hadn’t screwed things up all those years ago, they would have spent their life being happy together. They both complement and challenge each other, with their similar likes and absolutely different personalities. I truly feel like they belonged together.
"Canon" Ship: Collin/Fox. Those two are so cute. As sad as I am that BmB is ending, I’m really looking forward to them getting their own strip. Especially if it’s anything like the month of Foxman was like.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Cyanide/Skids. I know, I’m probably the only person out there who’s against this pairing, but I really, really freakin’ hate it. (And yet, the only fic I’m still working on right now is a Cy/Skids one… *groans*) I just can’t see them together, not long-term. Not even really short-term. I couldn’t pin-point why though. I just think they both really need someone who would push and fight with them, make them grow as a person. They don’t do that for each other.
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: Mik/Jeff. I had that one thought the time I was writing the deathmatch and even though it totally freaks me out to even consider it, it occasionally pops up to torture me. Thank God that no one else is as f*cked up as I am in this fandom. I never, ever want to see this written.
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Jeff/Harley. I know, again my innate weirdness strikes. But I still maintain that there was much more going on with Jeff’s rejection of Harley’s sexuality that just Jeff being an asshole. I *liked* fourth-grade Jeff, he was cool. I would like to imagine he would continue being cool as he grew up, especially if he was exposed to Cy, Harley, and Skids enough. Thus, his reaction at Harley’s sexual revelation seems almost too extreme. *shrugs* But I read too much into things, I know.
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Tybalt/Skids. I feel so well, sick, for loving those two together, especially with what I know of TiH. But even knowing that, I’ve enjoyed their interaction just because it was nice to see Tybalt being nice and also see a more snarkier side of Skids (that was previously only suspected to exist. I felt vindicated.)
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" 'Ship: Skids/Harley. I think it’s cute, but I dunno, it’s almost too much cuteness in one pairing. Sugar Shock.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Mik/Skids. Their entire interaction in the series pretty much resolves around Harley, who they both love. But I’ve always wondered, if you take away Harley, could they make it work as a couple? Possibly. Skids would make Mikhael play more and it’ll be things that Mik would probably actually enjoy. Mikhael would actually have the patience to really get to know the internal Skids instead of the veneer he shows to the world. *sighs* I would love to see this actually explorered at some point by a really good fanfic writer.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Cy/Skids. See above.
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Mikhael/Cyanide. Maybe they don’t make a lot of sense. But really, they sparkle when they’re together and they push each other’s buttons like nobody else does. There’s no middle ground for them, either they’re scheming together (which usually goes horribly wrong) or they’re being snippity. They make me laugh. And on the personality end, they’re so similar it’s damn frightening. As a couple, they would either end up killing each other or being so intuned, you couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. Personally, I’ve always believed it would be the intuned route, just because they’ve already seem a little that way in the strip; they just choose to use it for the evil purposes of being assholes to each other.
Fruits Basket
"One True Pairing" Ship: Shigure. Ayame. Hatori. In any way you want to give them to me. Two at a time, all three together. I’m happy. ;) Okay, so it’s not *one* pairing, but still… I love them, all of them. I couldn’t pick only two of them together. Ayame only listens to Hatori. Hatori tortures Shigure. And like I really need to explain why Shigure and Ayame make me grin to anyone here, do I?
"Canon" Ship: Hiro/Kisa. I can’t say much about them because I know Charli hasn’t seem this episode yet. But it's always nice to see an precocious, obnoxious, know-it-all, 11-year old brought down by love. Especially *that* 11-year old. *laughs evilly*
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Kyo/Kagure. Violent, crazy girl does not deserve my Kyo! Anyway, Kyo is violent and crazy enough by himself.
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: Akito/Tohru. Eewww. I understand Tohru has to be understanding of everyone, but still… this is taking it a little to far. Why this pairing is so popular, I suppose it’s an effort to give Akito a reason to be nicer. But, honestly, the idea just give me the creeps.
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Hatori/Kana. I liked Kana. She was cool, well before Akito got involved and convinced her it was all her fault that he blinded Hatori. It’s not easy trying to deal with the fact you couldn’t prevent something horrible from happening to someone you love and knowing that if it wasn’t for you, it wouldn’t have happened. As much as I ship the Trio in any variety possible, I do wish there was so way she and Hatori could have worked through it without needing memories erased.
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Akito/Yuki. This is just about as creepy as the Akito/Tohru ship, but a totally different way. Those two have issues with each other.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" 'Ship: Hataharu/Yuki. I would like to see more Haru in the manga, really. He didn’t that much development in the anime. But he is rather devoted to Yuki, for whatever reason. It could be interesting and Yuki needs someoe to love him like that.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Really couldn’t think of one for this fandom. I put all sorts of people together and just couldn’t make it work enough to get nominated for this category. I’m willing to take suggestions if anyone has any ideas.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Yuki/Kyo. Which is strange, as much as a yaoi fan as I am, especially when it comes to two guys who keep trying to beat each other up, but I just can’t do it in this fandom. Not with those two.
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Kyo/Tohru. He cooked leeks for her. She wanted to be a member of the year of the cat since a little girl. They’re destined for each other and you can’t convince me otherwise. And not just that. Tohru really sees Kyo and loves him just the way he is. Kyo needs that. And Kyo helps Tohru be more assertive and just wants her to realize that she too can want something other that what other people want. She needs that. They’re perfect for each other, they balanced each other out. And this isn’t even mentioning the end of the series.
"One True Pairing" Ship: Kamui/Fuma. How can you *not* like this pairing? It’s both foe slash and friend slash all in one. And it’s as close as it could be to being canon and still not be canon. Fuma *licks* Kamui. Really! I have screencaps for that moment to prove it! The pairing itself is heartbreaking, there is so much emotion there. And they don't get one full episode to be happy together before everything falls apart. I *heart* Kamui/Fuma, because fate sure as hell doesn't.
"Canon" Ship: Sorata/Arashi. Oh gawd… This pairing from the moment I saw it on screne, it just screamed, “I going to end very, very badly.” Sorata knows he’s going to die for the lady he loves. He picked Arashi to fall in love with. Thus he knows he’s going to die for her. He’s accepted that fact and is going to get the most pleasure out of it as possible before then. Except, of course, he doesn't exactly have the best social graces in the universe and Arashi doesn't quite know what to make of him. But she keeps sticking next to him and she hasn't killed him, so she probably likes him even if she won't admit it.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Evil!Fuma/Kanoe. Eeew. I understand the bad guys should get some, but the one scene where Kamoe hugs him gave me shudders. And not good ones. She’s too evil to be submissive to Evil!Fuma and Evil!Fuma wouldn’t have her any other way.
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: Evil!Fuma/Nataku. It just gives me shudders to think about it but I can see Fuma doing something like it just to tie Nataku even more to him. And Nataku is damn devoted to him because Fuma reminds him of his father.
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Kamui/Subaru. In this fandom, I go out of my way to find the warm and fuzzy fics. I get enough angst in canon as it is. This pairings tends towards those types of fics (well, as much as any in-character, non-AU X/1999 story can), even if they are rather bittersweet. They understand each other, they know what it’s like to see someone they love kill another person they love. And they both really, really need someone in the middle of all that pain and insanity.
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Yuuto/Kanoe. Again, two cold-hearted bastards together. Not that I’m certain there is anything going on between them, but every time I see them talking in private, it’s centered around her bed. Ususally with her being very scantily dressed and half in it. But really, after Fuma, those two have to be the most coldly calculating characters in this show (although, you wouldn’t guess it from Yuuto). I honestly think if they weren’t dedicated to destroying the world, they would take it over in a heartbeat and nobody would be able to stop them (not that anyone would realize they were doing it until they were done anyway.)
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" 'Ship: Yuzuriha/Kusangi. The perky, cheerleader for the Dragons of Heaven and the reluctant, very manly Dragon of Earth. Like Sorata/Arashi, I have a bad feeling about this one. He's already saved her once from a fellow Dragon of Earth, but she still doesn't know he's one of them. He also almost took on Fuma for her, but didn't need to in the end. Lucky for him, his standing as a Dragon of Earth won't matter to Fuma if he gets in that evil bastard's way.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Yuuto/Sorata. Just because I like those two and their fight in the beginning of the series is so hysterical. Which considering how few light points are in this show is saying a lot. They were so polite and friendly about the whole mess, asking each other's permission to cast spells, complimenting each other. I probably will never see a fic for this pairing and it really wouldn't bother me if I don't. But that fight scene is still one of my favorites in the show.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Subaru/Seishirou. Well, I thought that once I found out a little more of their backstory in the anime, I might be into this pairing. But, I saw what I believe is the major episode for them in the anime earlier today and well, still not feeling the Seisharu love here. Maybe once I watch Tokyo Babylon.
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Kamui/Fuma. As if there could be any doubt. *continues to hold vigil candle*
Now I'm off to go see LotR with Sue!! Yay!!