ok so i went to bed yesterday around 4:00AM. haha i was soo bored and really awake. i woke up today at 2:00PM and i just staid home all day...bored...with nothing at all to do...it sucked i hope i have a funner day tomorrow, since its my last day. well ill write on this mofo tomorrow. -jorge
Created by xCantTouchThisz and taken 59 times on bzoink! Whats Your Name?jorge aka jhoWhens Your Birthday?2/11/91Where Were You Born?puerto ricoWhats Your Eye ColorbrownWhats Your Hair Color?brownHow Tall Are You?about 5'7..?Right Or Left Handed?rightWhats Your Current Location?austinWhast Your Herritage?What Shoes Did You
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course avg. math--------83 band--------91 tech ed-----85 theatre arts-83 eng lang arts-80 pe---------100 health ed---64...:( haha us history--83 science-----75
haha i did horible this year. hopefully it will be better next year. haha
haha yea diane told me i should get this lj thing that everyone has, so i decided that it was somehow a good idea. well today i had band camp from 9am to 4pm. ITS LIKE GOING TO SCHOOL!!!! ahh it sucks...haha but its fun. this lj thing is very complicated...i dont know.. well ill write something tomorrow.