f o r m a l f o t o s f u c k e r s ! ! !

Nov 27, 2005 09:44

Hooray for last night when i finally demanded that people give me pictures from Mackillop and Port High formals. Although i still dont have that many from the Mackillop formal they will come shortly and i will update when that happens.

until then...

Mackillop Formal

George and I.

Bec and I.

Ingrid, Sarah, Jo and Roxy. (i dont want to hear it Bec!!!)
- if only they would look at the right camera

Ben, Brendan, Myself and George - I think they all must have had stools or something *shifty eyes*

Port High Formal

George and I lured a young school boy into our lair with our shiny outfits.

Sam and I.

Top: some guy that no one liked but asked to get in the photo, Sam, Mel.
Bottom: George, Ingrid, Tim, Tania, Nathan.
AKA TEAM SEXY (team sexy does not include the guy in the top left corner).

Tania and I.

Sally and I.
(founding members of the cape club)

George + Tim + automobile baby

"are you talkin to me?"

Lauren and I.

and i almost forgot this piece of evidence to prove once and for all that sophie did actually attend our formal, and that she wears boys clothing on occasion

"f o r m a l f o t o s f u c k e r s" is a trademark of TIM 'N' CO. TIM 'N' CO does not enjoy the use of "fotos" as a substitute for photos but it is necessary for alliteration, furthermore fuckers is not offensively directed at anyone but is once again used for alliteration purposes.

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