NBC benching Community mid-season has me fifty times more upset than the whole stupid rumor mill of a possible DW movie. One of these is real and one of these really isn't
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I've seen this on Twitter and know it is A Bad Thing and therefore Do Not Like, but what does it mean? I mean, do shows come back from that, or is it like death?
30 Rock didn't start this past fall like most shows do because of Tina Fey's pregnancy, or so I'm led to believe. They postponed its premiere for January. But a show had to be bumped so 30 Rock come back and I guess Community was it. I don't blame 30 Rock for doing so, it's not their fault. Community, sadly, has always had really poor viewer ratings and I'm wondering if the NBC site and Hulu aren't counted into that.
As far as coming back... I'm not sure. I mean, there have been shows that were put on hiatus like this and came back for a season, but they were shows that were always struggling. Chuck, maybe? It's just upsetting to see yet another mediocre sitcom take the place of the obviously better show.
(Also, I finally found Community icons. JUST IN TIME, IT SEEMS)
I guess it makes sense to bump one comedy for another but I REALLY LIKE COMMUNITY DAMMIT. And I don't want them to cancel it and I want it to be made for years and years and have Inspector Spacetime webisodes. And 30 Rock STOPPED MAKING ME LAUGH AGES AGO.
I woke up to this news and, yeah, I'm not sure my day will recover from it. Actually now I remember that Fringe is being put on an extra long winter hiatus and I'm not sure I'll ever recover. This sucks.
I was watching Fringe last week and heard the "next week: our fall finale!" line during the teaser for the next episode, and was all WTF FOX, YOU'VE ONLY AIRED SIX EPISODES. How the networks schedule television is a mystery to me -- a really annoying mystery.
I mean, I should be pleased because I might get some of my life back if my favourite shows have extra long breaks but you know what? I'm really not that person. GIVE ME MY SHOWS.
Word is it's definitely coming back ... they just don't know when. Maybe it'll fill the empty slot when Chuck goes off the air? But yeah, I cannot believe a brilliant show like Community is in cancellation limbo while WHITNEY OF ALL THINGS continues to air. WTF is so hard about airing quality television?
Comments 16
I've seen this on Twitter and know it is A Bad Thing and therefore Do Not Like, but what does it mean? I mean, do shows come back from that, or is it like death?
As far as coming back... I'm not sure. I mean, there have been shows that were put on hiatus like this and came back for a season, but they were shows that were always struggling. Chuck, maybe? It's just upsetting to see yet another mediocre sitcom take the place of the obviously better show.
(Also, I finally found Community icons. JUST IN TIME, IT SEEMS)
I still like 30 Rock, but I'm kind of glad they're ending it this year.
And Whitney remains on? Ridiculous. :-(
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