When you need help, run to me and I will provide emotional comfort. But only as a friend. (And just when I thought I could go on a month without issues.)
I like how my emotional shit have a recurring effect to them so in as much as they suck, I've stopped minding too much. I figure it's because I'm such a loser that them lucky ones *wink wink* who I choose to get involved in my screwed-up love life can't even get to hate me enough after to just get out of my life. So instead, in what I believe is their last-ditch effort to not totally destroy me, they think it's smart to ask for love advice. (Because, you know, Louie's smart and shit with issues about love and relationships. After all, he's been through fucked up a lot of them.)
La dee dah dee dah.
Yeah, I know.
Hell, I'm tired of listening to myself.
Anyway, you know how they say that we only use about 10% of our brain for the rest of our lives? Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'm planning to dump onto a piece of paper a little over four months worth of brain, thus freeing about 5% of space that will be happily unoccupied and will probably be occupied by junk over the summer break.
So take that, acads!!! OHYEAH KEEP IT COMING!!!
Because THIS. IS. SPAHHHHTAHHHH!!! *complete with laway and manly kick and loincloth*
*but no abs*