Title: Make Some Noise And Raise Some Hell
For: kiyei
Pairing: Seunghyun/Younghak (Minor: Jinchul/Yejun)
Word count: 2,785
Rating: R (for a blowjob and language)
Warning(s): I wanted this to be serious and sad, but it came out all porny and slaphappy. IDEK.
Summary: Seunghyun meets Younghak for the first time in Photography class. Highschool!AU
Jinchul and Seunghyun squint towards the direction of the voice and find an absurdly tall boy blocking the sun almost entirely. And, holy hell, he’s pretty. )
Comments 2
I had the hugest grin on my face reading this. I'm kind of glad this turned porny-slaphappy, as good as serious fics can be.
I loved this so much, I don't know where to start *__*
The Jinon-LeeU interaction just cracked me up, and locker-room secks is always A+
Thank you so much. ;_; Saving forever.
crack in the f.cuz fandom
i think my heart exploded *____*
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