Title: Silver-Blue Characters/Pairings: Clark/Bruce Rating: R Summary: When Clark goes into "Kryptonian heat," Bruce is resigned to doing his duty. Word count: 3700 Notes: Happy birthday to
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*beams* Yay for self-deluded Batman! I don't know what it is, I just love to write him as stubbornly opaque to himself and painfully transparent to the reader. :)
(Up in the sky! It's the SuperBat Signal! Someone is wanting to read S/B!) *grin*
I think I have a real thing for Batman applying his pragmatic, tactical brain to entirely un-superheroic activities. :) And...smooshing them together is always fun. *joins in smooshy motions*
Glad you liked it! I'd never written a real honest-to-Rao pon farr story...and then when I did it insisted on fading to black. *rolls eyes a bit*
Totally, totally gorgeous! Oh Bruce, what an altruistic person you are making such a 'sacrifice' like that lol.
I really loved how you had Bruce constantly funneling his own feelings/desires onto Clark's predicament. Although I actually felt a bit sniffly when Bruce really believed Clark had flown off, aw!
Oh Bruce, what an altruistic person you are making such a 'sacrifice' like that lol.
Isn't he, though? Shagging Superman for the good of the world...he's up to it. :)
Although I actually felt a bit sniffly when Bruce really believed Clark had flown off, aw!
Oh good, I was hoping people would just a bit. Originally that moment wasn't there, but the Beta pointed out that Bruce has been making a lot of assumptions and narratively it makes sense that he'd be let down for just a moment. :)
And oh, thanks for the typo check! *wanders off to lash Beta*
Fade to black PWP, yes. >_< What the heck? The muses were in a weird mood (that and my ability to write rough sex is pretty negligible, lol). So I compromised! :) Glad it worked out for you, lol.
I never knew denial could be such a beautiful, beautiful thing ... when pushed in the right directions, of course. Ah, Bruce. You go right on being pragmatic, dear, and Clark can go right on being noble, and ... *snort* Wow, look what happens!
Gods, Jen, this was incredibly hot, incredibly funny, and in its own way so incredibly sweet. Beautiful!
I never knew denial could be such a beautiful, beautiful thing ... when pushed in the right directions, of course.
Bruce's denial is like a work of art at times. :) I can only stand back and marvel.
PS: Love 'Fortress of Sulkitude', by the way ;)
Hee! I loved that line and kind of hated to put it way at the beginning because things at the beginnings of stories tend to get lost, but it seems to have come though anyway. *grin*
Thanks so much, this was oddly relaxing to write after the more angsty tension of "The House of the Earth" and the next MotS arc, I'm glad it worked!
Comments 102
::dies:: And this is why I love and adore your Bruce so much. His self-delusion is so wonderful and perfect and solid :)
Thanks for the comment!
(The comment has been removed)
I think I have a real thing for Batman applying his pragmatic, tactical brain to entirely un-superheroic activities. :) And...smooshing them together is always fun. *joins in smooshy motions*
Glad you liked it! I'd never written a real honest-to-Rao pon farr story...and then when I did it insisted on fading to black. *rolls eyes a bit*
I really loved how you had Bruce constantly funneling his own feelings/desires onto Clark's predicament. Although I actually felt a bit sniffly when Bruce really believed Clark had flown off, aw!
Just one little typo I spotted,
make the sacrifice he had some here to make.
Should be 'come'?
Wonderful, wonderful fic.
Isn't he, though? Shagging Superman for the good of the world...he's up to it. :)
Although I actually felt a bit sniffly when Bruce really believed Clark had flown off, aw!
Oh good, I was hoping people would just a bit. Originally that moment wasn't there, but the Beta pointed out that Bruce has been making a lot of assumptions and narratively it makes sense that he'd be let down for just a moment. :)
And oh, thanks for the typo check! *wanders off to lash Beta*
PWP and schmoop at the same time.
This was terrific.
I enjoyed it immensely.
That's a good point, though I've never really thought of it that way! *ponders* It seems very true!
Gods, Jen, this was incredibly hot, incredibly funny, and in its own way so incredibly sweet. Beautiful!
PS: Love 'Fortress of Sulkitude', by the way ;)
Bruce's denial is like a work of art at times. :) I can only stand back and marvel.
PS: Love 'Fortress of Sulkitude', by the way ;)
Hee! I loved that line and kind of hated to put it way at the beginning because things at the beginnings of stories tend to get lost, but it seems to have come though anyway. *grin*
Thanks so much, this was oddly relaxing to write after the more angsty tension of "The House of the Earth" and the next MotS arc, I'm glad it worked!
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