Title: Wonder
Prompt: Aurora Borealis
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 1
Summary: The Doctor thinks she's missing it, but she isn't missing a thing.
A/N: OMG I WROTE A DRABBLE. *gasp* Thank you to
bluedragonhawk for the prompt over at Tumblr!
“It’s gorgeous,” whispered Rose into the night sky, her breath visible in the frigid air. It was midnight on Earth and they were standing in a clearing near a forest, the Tardis silently behind them.
“Even your planet has some wonder left to it yet,” said the Doctor in a reverent hush.
The tone caused Rose to tear her eyes from the glorious sight in front of her to look at her usually brooding and insulting Doctor. He had his eyes focused above them, a look of wonder in his eyes. No matter what planet or what adventure, Rose knew she would never grow tired of seeing that look. Her eyes glided on every contour of his face.
Suddenly, his eyes, those orbs of a beautiful blue, were on her own and she felt a warm blush color her cheeks. She saw him smirk knowingly.
“Rose, you’re missing it,” he said, but the smile remained on his lips.
And so Rose gave him a gentle grin and looked up at the sky.
“No, I’m not.”