My father died in May. He had a cough that got worse over the course of a few months, and finally, when he was weeks from death, his doctors were able to locate similar cases in an old Army data base, and pronounced him terminally ill with a rare form of heart cancer
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Comments 9
go to the movies together,this was probably the only real interaction we had. My parents lived not far
from me and sometimes when I would go over to visit them, if I saw that my mother was not home and my
father was I would not stop. It just was'nt worth the enevitable argument that would ensue. When he got sick and died I tried to feel something but I just could'nt. There was nothing there to feel.
I spent many years trying to rebuild my personality, the one he beat out of me, whith his fists,his words and his ever present disaproval.I do not think I will ever be the person I should have been, but
I'm better than the person he would have had me be.
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