- 16:20 @ tkhc Wooooooo! #
- 16:23 RT @txvoodoo: Kindle users: want to put a Kindle book on your Amazon wishlist? Use the Wish List Button from amazon: is.gd/52SjI #
- 16:24 @ txvoodoo what needs to be updated? My K1 still works like a dream! #
- 16:25 @ txvoodoo TRUE! No need To put yourself through that. #
- 16:32 @ txvoodoo ohh the PDF thing might be worthwhile. #
- 17:16 @ txvoodoo Yeah, I can convert old school! Plus my battery lasts forever. I'm happy with what I've got. #
- 17:16 RT @pitterpammer: RT: @postsecreet More than 50% of all teachers report buying food for hungry students. @sharestrength // It's all true. #
- 20:55 Arrrg. Trying to get back into oldskool applications and can't remember any passwords. That's what I get for not computering for months. #
- 21:08 Weird seeing the ads for Invictus. I was in South Africa during that game. I partied in the streets. Seems strange that it's a movie. #
- 21:18 @ txvoodoo Elitist toast. #
- 09:45 Last night I started watching Better Off Ted. Why didn't anyone tell me how hilarious this show is? It's awesome!! #
- 09:48 @ packt OH CRAP!! That sucks. Do you think he will call back? It's not like he has anything else to do, right? #
- 14:01 The main guy from Better Off Ted is just a monobrow away from being Bert. Well, monobrow and an Ernie. #
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