State of Me: Lots of threads this month, wooo. It ended up being busier than I expected, so I ended up having to push aside some things I planned to next month. No matter! I've got things planned in general that should span from the beginning to the end of the month, with the plots I meant to do this month going first. I want to get everything done early since I'll be gone a chunk of the last part of the month, so um, yay.
Alistair: I was going to give him his item this month, and now I'm glad I did not. Having gotten the two DA books, I realized I really want him to read The Stolen Throne, which is essentially the story of his father's struggle to reclaim his kingdom. Despite it being a little traumatic, it'll ultimately be good for him. To see his father had the same doubts he had, to see him struggle with the pressures of suddenly being thrown into the job of leading people - it might finally give him a little peace about it that maybe he wouldn't be so bad at it. He might open up to people about being a prince, too, if the situation ever comes up (and it probably will for whoever tags the post). I'm not sure how he'll deal with learning he's fictional, or if it'll register much at all with the shock of the contents of the book.
That will lead him to his item in May, which is essentially the King's armor and weapons - the ones his half-brother wore into war, of course, so it'll be splattered with his blood as well. :D I think he'll deal with it a little better after reading the book (books? Maybe I'll let him read the second as well), so the shift in the order of him getting things seems appropriate for me.
Time plot wise...I find myself wishing I brought him in from the end of the game, ngl. Because the who dies/do you have sex with Morrigan?? option with the Archdemon would've been fun to play out. I couldn't even do the decision with Loghain (which would've been AWESOME to do after reading the book, because his hatred of Loghain will probably ebb slightly after seeing just how much he helped his father). So at the moment, I am not seeing anything in the future time plot-wise...but we shall see.
In non-plot news, he's doing good in general. Had a lot of great threads in the speed dating thing, for example. He's got an IPD position now, and Madrox and him being a team is pretty awesome. XD He'll be dealing with Morrigan suddenly being gone as well next month, which he probably won't notice immediately because he isn't the type to look for her, but eventually it'll cross his mind he hasn't seen her in a while. :\ Not sure how he'll deal with that, either, so we'll see when the time comes.
Cyd: Cyd is getting the first Guild comic book next month. >_> Which is amazing and you all should get it. I need to mess around with her profile because I was slightly joss'd in terms of her background, but w/e. She's been missing home so much, this is a good way to remind her her life kind of sucked in general in the real world. She's found some happiness on the island - some friends - which is something she didn't have outside of her little group of friends in The Game (LMAO the name of that stupid game, omfg). So yeah - it'll show her that things aren't so bad, and at the same time, it'll make her miss the people she played with a little too, since it shows her fledgling meetings in game with Bladezz (who is the first person she groups up with ever) and then Vork (who saves her).
The being treated badly thing and seeing how depressed she was compared to now part is the most important part of this, though. (She'll also wtf at her being a COMIC too, but I digress. XD)
I think it'll be a good start for her as she finishes her first year on the island and goes onto her second year. I think the time spent there alone will make her realize she's not going anywhere any time soon and it's time to move on and start fresh. She has it in her to be brave and even finds it exciting in game, and I think maybe seeing that will push her to try a little harder here to be like that. It doesn't need to stop with the game, yanno? Anyway, we'll see.
Next month is also the first annual D&D campaign. This weekend I am going to put together the first team and e-mail people information. I'm still not sure how I am going to play it out - probably a gathering post for after the game, because playing an actual game of D&D in tags would be INSANE LOL. That means I'll have to come up with highlights for people to talk about, I guess. BUT I want that to happen early in the month, because it'll be fun.
Time warp is a big I don't know yet. I need to re-watch the first two seasons to see if she has anything she really regrets that would be worth playing, haha.
Ellie: Is going to be getting out a lot more now that the kiddie is a little older. actually wanting to have a post where she smiles the first time, because that is kind of adorable and makes me happy, ha. In general, she's having another quiet month plot-wise for herself, though if she's needed anywhere, let me know.
Time warp is a no for her, btw. Mostly because she really doesn't regret anything, LOL.
Gideon Gideon's still not in a great place. For...obvious reasons. He actually met and talked to a few people last month, though, which surprised and pleased me. AND I STILL WANT THE EPIC GIDEON-ZOE/JIM-VERONICA FACEOFF because it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. I am easily amused. >_> Anyway, he's going to at least start getting out more next month, in an attempt to not be mopey. Thank god for Eden, really, or the guy would've just given up by now and become a constant drunk. :P
Time warp is probably going to happen next month, and definitely going to place him right in the middle of the bank heist. I have a lot to think about with this, though: what would be the RIGHT choice, in the end? It'll be a fast plot if I have him come from before his screw up with saying Des' name, though at the same time, that might be interesting because he'll think he'll be able to get away with it then and end up getting shot himself, meaning he'd have to do it all over again. :P I'd love for someone to come along with him, but, again, I don't forsee them being able to do anything, so I might just have him deal with this by himself at the time and then the fallout will be handled with people. My general plan for the plot will basically probably be: first time is the way it was handled in the movie, second will be him saying Des' name, attempting to get them out of there faster, and it still not working (aka they just end up getting shot anyway), third will be him not saying Des' name and getting shot himself in the back alley, and then the fourth run will be him not saying Des' name and then realizing he can't run/get out of this in any way, thus giving up peacefully and keeping Des out of it to live his life. Because, ultimately, that'll be the right thing to do. :(
It'll...obviously have an effect on him. Being able to correct his greatest mistake will be good for him, though, in the end - show him the only way to live his life is to keep going down the road he's going; no shortcuts, no trying to trick the system, just taking responsibility and dealing with things.
I'm thinking of writing it up in the next few days, and then eventually decide the timing of it at a later date. I'm thinking mid-April.
Jim: Jim is being put into hush plot, because the idea of Pam LOLing at him and probably putting him in awkward situations is hilarious and cannot be skipped. Also, the guy talks up a fucking storm, so not having his voice is going to be REALLY hard for him to deal with. XD
In general, however, he'll have a fairly quiet month, as usual. I'm going to be making up basketball teams this weekend, and hopefully that'll happen earlier in the month. Sorry for the delay, folks - like I said, it's been a month of an unexpected volume of tags. It's too close to the end of the month to make a post now, so maybe a little after hush plot I'll do eet.
No time warp stuff for him that I can think of right now. He comes in from very early in the show, so not a lot happened that he'd fix. And atm, I can't think of any island thing, so yeah. OH WELL.
The future is my temp app of Henry Dunn, whenever we get things together for that. Mm, crazy guy. >_>