The big thing is Dwarf Fortress, and the game I've been making. Also, I've been getting up at 7:30. This removes much scheduling stress, but means less sleep for Jon.
Such is life! After big realizations, the long slog of "implementing" them sets in. It's an unsteady process.
This morning Chau had planted a seed in my head. She complained, as I was sitting around being inactive that, really, if I put as much effort into games as I did into BoxConfig, then I could accomplish something
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Not much to post about, although every morning I wake up with the urge to post. This might be because I've been remembering a lot of dreams, or fragments thereof, recently. ( Mandatory dream-cut )
I made it back safe and sound - although immigration, customs, re-check, re-security check (the third one!), and so on meant I almost missed the last leg of my journey
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