50 more days.
Oi, it's been a while since I've written in this here online blogamajig. Fifty more days until I get to leave, something which is becoming more and more enticing.
As some of you may know, my mother quit her job, leading to a 3 week period where our household income was quite actually 0 dollars. Food was seeming to become a luxury there for a bit, but by the grace of that god, who probably doesn't exist, my father finally found employment. Hurrah, happy scenario...right? Wrong. Now that he is finally the bread winner in the family (after a leisurely year of unemployed bummery) my father has grown rather embolden. He now threatens to leave my mother on an almost nightly basis, more often than not in a state of drunken stupor. You see we have food again, but long before a trip to the grocery store was made, booze was once more flowing liberally through my parents veins.
I spend alot of my time at my sisters lately. She and her boyfriend bought a house about 2 miles from here, and my sister is always desperate for company. I think I may have to stop this soon, though, my mom sometimes follows me over there, and to be quite honest her somewhat lax hygiene really clashes with my sisters new furniture, and alcohol always seems to mysteriously dissapear from their fridge. Then you have to deal with my dad calling, screaming at the top of his lungs for my mother to get her ass back there.
Both of them are about on my last nerve too, and the more I hear, the more I just want to be rid of this place. My mum lost her unemployment hearing the other day, because all of her coworkers testified that she was on drugs. I'm inclined to believe them. My mom isn't exactly the model of honesty she once was, and the 18 pack of Ice House she consumes nightly is a stunning testament to her waning judgement.
My dad's alcoholism doesnt really bother me so much, he's just a jerk. Plain and simple, sober or trashed, he is a severely pessimistic and violently depressed man. He also refuses to accept the fact that he may be wrong, even in subjects which he has no knowledge about, it all seems to stem from a horrible sense of inadequacy. Anything that tarnishes his self image sends him into door slamming, table punching, windshield breaking (as was demonstrated only yesterday as my mother attempted to drive off to the store though she could barely stand up) state of fury.
Ah well, 50 more days and I will never look back. This life is over for me the second I step on to that shuttle bus in Sioux City, I really don't have much worth looking back for.
Some of you may have noticed that I was recently absent from the intarnets. My hard drive bit the dust, and I was left with out the financial means to fix it. I have obviously remedied that situation, and I must say very...very little has changed since my abscense. I some how imagine the same will be true when I am away for 9 months of military training.
I entertained myself while offline with an obsessive amount of excercise. I'm running 4 miles nightly now, and after taking my run a little hard tonight I've vowed to start running 4 miles in the morning too, just for good measure. Running can actually be somewhat fun, to be quite honest, and it's all making sure that BMT is going to be that much easier on me.
I also have spent a good deal of time with my DS, I'm becoming ever aware of just how much game is packed on to that tiny little Mario 64 DS cart. Fire Emblem has also kept me company. Sadly my silly squandering of money on food has left my game budget almost entirely depleted. I can only hope that my parents can start paying me back some of the money they owe me now since my dad has found work. This situation is entirely unlikely though, they are hard pressed enough to pay the bills, alcoholism and all.
That leads me to say that our internet (/phone, arg!) may go out within the week. If that happens I might not be on again before I leave, so lots of love and all that good stuff. Of course, my dad might actually pull through and pay it! Here's to hoping.