I seem to be suffering some gender disphoria of late. Normally (if there really is anything in my life that is normal!) gender is really not an issue in my life... i just dont let it enter into my consciousness
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But i can't seem to get into that headspace recently where i don't need to feel either a boy or a girl. I cant seem to actually touch that strong andrgyne feeling that i have had for the past few years..... i always seem to feel out of balance. Maybe its the stress of my job, or the financial stress i have been going through recently.
Stress is a major factor for me in regard to how I self-identify, I should say how I think I should self-identify. During times of high stress I feel a strong need to ID along binary lines, usually male, and I will obsess over medical transition. During times of low stress or no stress (yeah that's rare, I know) I feel comfortable in my identity (a female-bodied transmasculine individual). I don't know why, but this is how I react, gender wise, to stress in my life.
Comments 2
Do your hair now so we can take photos! :) Can I take dirty ones of you in a skirt if I don't post them??
I love you, Jimmy.
Stress is a major factor for me in regard to how I self-identify, I should say how I think I should self-identify. During times of high stress I feel a strong need to ID along binary lines, usually male, and I will obsess over medical transition. During times of low stress or no stress (yeah that's rare, I know) I feel comfortable in my identity (a female-bodied transmasculine individual). I don't know why, but this is how I react, gender wise, to stress in my life.
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