Aug 20, 2007 01:45
Title:Love Triumph
Pairing:JiNo(jinXjunno),Jinda,Akame (won't say which order that they happen in)
Genre:not good with this....romance, alil angst later
Dis:i own none of these peeps but if someone want to buy them from JE for me i will except them!!
"Hurry up too." Ueda said with annoyance in his voice.
Jin knew if there was one thing that Ueda hated was to be delayed from going hom.
"Don't worry i am just going to by something to drink" he reasurred and reminded Ueda since Jin asked him earlier.
Jin walked to the store and headed straight to the beer and wine section. As he looked thougher the rows of wine he didn't come across on that would 'stop' Ueda from remembering anything from earlier without totally making him drunk out of sane hood. The thought of a HYPER? Ueda that was scary.
"Oh this looks like a good one" Jin said while reading a bottle of champagne.
'Dream Land' the bottle read "Forget all you problems" All to much of a coincidence for anyone else but hey it's 'JIN'
"Perfect!" Jin yelled out rather loudly.
He looked around to find two or three female shoppers looking at him.
"My girlfriend is having a party tonight so she sent me out in search of the best stuff" Jin explained to them with his 'god child like smile' (if you seen Cartoon Kattun Smile Athletes then you know the smile)
That to him sounded much better than "Ummm i am trying to get my best friend drunk as hell to the point where he won't remember that i had something on my mind earlier and then beat the crap out of me with a toaster until i tell him that i kissed kame" Yup so much better.
The shoppers were convinced enough and moved along with their shopping.
Jin quickly left and tried to be quick as he headed toward the soda department.
"I'll just buy a bottle of soda to mix, the champagne in, that way Ueda wouldn't know.
Jin knew Ueda's insides had no trace of alcohol, but that would all change. Jin was taken away from his thoughts by the vibration of his phone.
"Great" Jin thought
"It's Ueda"
"Where the hell are you?" Ueda yelled in his ear
"Calm down i am just going to pay" Jin stated while putting the items on the check out belt.
"Hurry Up." Ueda said signing off.
Jin felt pity for the woman to marry Ueda. The thought brought a smile to his face. If Ueda were to get married Jin could control and brodcast his own reality tv show.
As Jin neared the car he could see Ueda looking back and forth to him and th bag. Thank god his brain worked for him and he put the soda in front of the champagne. As he looked over Ueda it was rather reality or his own gay thoughts, but it seemed to him that Ueda was looking at him with a very lust ful glare. Jin slowly sagt next to Ueda.
"What did you buy?" Ueda asked
"Oh you know just some soDAA!!" Jin yelled as he felt Ueda's hand go around his shoulders.
He quickly looked at Ueda with a blush.
"Is something wrong" Ueda asked
Jin shook his head and remained silent, he only stared at him and Ueda stared back for a while.
"Well then" Ueda replied putting 'both' hand to Jin's relief on the wheel.
"We better get going"
"Yah" Jin replied
Ueda put on the car and they headed to the house.
Very important quetion that i need to know. Ok i have the next part already written down and it explains alot about Kame and it;s long. And then after that I write about Jin and Ueda at the house. That was my original plan but now as i read this i need to know, if you all would like me to put a kind of 'forced' jinda moment NC-17 part of coarse (has bondage) and then go one with the story and change it up a bit or go with the oringinal? The NC-17 part seems likeit would go good. Don't worry if i do make it i won't have Jin hate Ueda or anything he will just doubt his love for Junno and it would speed up the story alittle.