Things a Background Check on Jeremy Orson Would Reveal:
Not much. He has a driver's license, a birth certificate, and a social security number, all of which put him at thirty-two years old. His car is insured, and so is his house (in Woodbridge, Virginia, a bedroom community to DC). He has an altogether unremarkable identity.
There's also no record of him having lived anywhere before moving to Woodbridge, no record of him having car insurance before moving to Woodbridge, and no record of him having a brother whatsoever. Before he turned up in Virginia with a spotless credit record, Jeremy Orson doesn't seem to have existed anywhere.
Things Searching for Turtle Cove, Colorado Would Reveal:
Turtle Cove appears to be a nice, quiet college town. Very, very normal, with that small-town feel. There are plenty of police reports about petty crime, bikers, the usual small things from outside town, but in Turtle Cove proper the worst you get is egged houses on Halloween, unusually artistic and never vulgar graffiti, newspaper-stealing feuds between neighbors, and the occasional kid shoplifting and getting a stern talking-to. There are no gangs in town, and although Turtle Cove is relatively diverse ethnically, there is no friction between ethnic groups. Virtually every adult who lives there is either married or single; couples who cohabitate don't do it for long before they get married, and there doesn't appear to be any kind of gay presence in town-- not even a pride group on the university campus.
For small city, there is or has been a lot in it; as well as Turtle Cove University (a college with a heavy focus on earth sciences where nobody ever flunks out and everybody always shows up to class), there's been a laboratory (Turtledyne Industries) conducting animal research, a sports stadium (complete with jumbotron, but available to the elementary schools' soccer teams), a large number of parks and plazas, a marina on Turtle Lake as well as a sandy beach that always seems to be deserted, farmland, several churches, a nuclear power plant, paleontological digs, occasional ancient artifacts and relics that get ignored by the construction companies that unearth them, an amusement park, Norquist Air Force Base, and a Shinto temple. Incomes vary, but no one in town is below the poverty line. There is no transient population, there are no vice arrests, dips and depressions in the economy do not seem to affect Turtle Cove, and only disused alleyways ever seem to have a problem with litter.
The year 'Jeremy Orson's' brother died, there were a lot of deaths in Turtle Cove, and a lot of property damage, particularly to taller buildings. In fact, most of the deaths seemed related to building collapse, although there were several reports of mass hallucinations, missing persons who were never found, and rather memorably, a hospital on lockdown due to a sudden botanical infestation.
The only newsworthy thing ever to happen in Turtle Cove was in 1982 when three archaeologists-- Dr Viktor Adler and Drs Richard and Elizabeth Evans-- plus the Evanses' year-old son, Cole, disappeared into the Amazon basin on an expedition to discover what they hoped would be the key to finding the lost kingdom of Animaria. They were never heard from again, until Adler, or a man claiming to be Adler, reappeared in Turtle Cove and called an ambulance. That made the news on the same night that the hospital was infested; nothing about the doctor or the infestation turned up in any later reports.