(no subject)

Jan 06, 2014 19:04

Character Chart

The 411 (name, vitals, appearance, medical background)

Character’s full name: Jerrick Hoffer
Character’s nickname: Jinx Monsoon
Birth date: September 18 1993
Age: 22
How old does he/she appear: Out of drag, Jerrick only looks about 18/19. In drag, he looks mid to late 20s
Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5’6
Body build: Slim
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: Neither.
Distinguishing marks: Jerrick/Jinkx has no distinguishing marks. He’s very average looking with no piercing, tattoos or scars
Predominant physical features: His slim build and red hair.
Hair color: Red
Type of hair: His own hair is red and short. When he’s dressed as Jinkx, he usually wears a blonde/red/brown wig depending on his mood
Usual body posture: Jinkx usually stands up straight, his hands are generally clasped in front of him or on his hips.
Overall attractiveness: It depends on the person. Out of drag, he’s very average. In drag…if you’re into that then yeah, he’s attractive
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Even out of drag, Jinkx dresses very feminine, usually preferring to wear skinny jeans, a loose flowy top, a chain around his neck and some form of hat.
Favorite outfit: His purple cocktail dress he wears as Jinkx
Jewelry or accessories: Jinkx loves jewellery and loves to wear chains or bracelets. When he’s dressed in drag he’ll always accompany it with some form of statement jewellery and a handbag.

Allergies: None
Illnesses/Disorders: Jinkx has narcolepsy, a sleep disorder. Unlike the stereotype, he doesn’t simply pass out. He can usually feel it coming on and will usually try to fight it. Sometimes though he loses the fight and falls asleep. This can be awkward at times, eg at a restaurant.
Medications: Just multivitamins
Blood Type: A

Positive personality traits: Jinkx is a kind and caring person. He has a fun sense of humour and always tries to see the positives in every situation. He’s playful and very creative.
Negative personality traits: At times he can be bitchy. He’s very strong willed. He knows what he wants and can often come across as stubborn.
Sense of humor: Jinkx has a wicked sense of humour.
Character’s greatest fear and why: His biggest fear is drowning. He almost drowned as a child, fooling around in the water and has avoided swimming pools and deep water ever since.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The death of his brother. His family life is complicated and when he was kicked out of home at 16, he had no choice but to leave his brother behind with his alcoholic mother.
Character is most at ease when: He knows exactly what is planned for him, what’s to be expected, what will happen and how it will happen
Most ill at ease when: Things are uncertain and unplanned.
Enraged when: People undermine him or belittle him.
Depressed or sad when: Homophobic comments are passed, especially when he’s in drag
Priorities: His career, his family and his friends
Life philosophy: Not to take life or criticism too seriously. His motto is “water off a duck’s back”
Greatest strength: His ability to see the good in everyone, no matter who they are
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His fear of rejection
Character’s darkest secret: His desire to someday get a full sex change
Does anyone else know? Only his absolute closest friends.

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Type of childhood: His childhood was unhappy. Along with knowing from a young age he was gay, and not feeling fully comfortable in his own body, Jerrick Hoffer and his brother were raised only by their mother. Their father left when Jerrick was three. His mother was an alcoholic and it often fell to Jerrick to raise himself and his brother.
Jerrick never felt fully comfortable as a male and often toyed around with his mother’s heels or make up when she was unconscious with drink. At aged 12, he began formally dressing up as a girl, doing it from the safety of his bedroom, or grandmother’s home. Jinx Monsoon was being created, although it would be another five years before Jerrick would come up with the name. Along with the thrill he felt wearing dresses and make up, Jerrick also found freedom in adapting another character and leaving his own troubles behind.
When he was 16, Jinkx’s mother walked in on him dressed in a dress, make up and a wig. Horrified, she kicked her son out. Jinkx had no choice but to leave his brother behind, something he still feels guilty over. Jinkx lived with his grandmother until she passed away the following year.
After her death, Jinkx left Oregon and headed to New York with the hope of hitting it big as an entertainer. He got some jobs performing at bars and clubs and he began to perfect his character. Jinx Monsoon, a strong willed, working girl, was born.
Pets: None
Childhood hero: Meryl Streep, Jinkx was highly influenced by her movie Death Becomes Her
Dream job: Broadway star.
Education: Highschool in Portland
Religion: Jewish
Finances: Limited, given that he was raised by a single mother with an alcohol addiction

Current location: Atlantic City
Currently living with: Alone
Pets: None
Occupation: Entertainer at Palace Casino
Religion: Jewish
Finances: Basic, but he gets by.

Mother: Sharon Hoffer
Relationship with her: Strained at best. She’s never accepted his homosexual status
Father: Unknown
Relationship with him: Estranged

Hobbies: Dancing, designing or customising his clothes, tv and art.
Plays a musical instrument? He can find his way around a guitar, but he only knows basic chords
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watching musicals with popcorn and wine.
Spending habits: When he has money he can’t resist spending it on new clothes or accessories or make up
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Occasionally
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of? Singing. He sings constantly, those around him find it irritating
What does he/she do too little of? Any outdoor activities
Extremely skilled at: singing, acting and comedy
Extremely unskilled at: Sports
Nervous habits or tics: Clasps and unclasps his hands frequently

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Logical or emotional? emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident
Animal lover?
Relationships with others
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? No. He doesn’t believe in being two faced
Close Friends: He has some in New York, none in Atlantic City

Love interest(s): None at present
Person character goes to for advice: His best friend Kenneth, in New York
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: His brother as much as is possible
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one really
Person character openly admires: Ru Paul
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His best friend Kenneth who lives in New York
After story starts:

Other Application Information (the basics I need that don't fit above):
PB, if applicable: Jerrick Hoffer/Jinkx Monsoon.
LJ/AIM:LJ: jinkxymonsoon AIM: jinkxymonsoon
Twitter: None
Do you play other characters in the game (and if so, who)?: Zacky, Matt Sanders and Maya
How did you hear about us?:Already here

Pictures if you need them: in drag: http://newnownext.mtvnimages.com/2013/05/jinkx-monsoon2.jpg
Out of drag: http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2013/08/JHoffer-headshot.jpg

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