Hey LJ! I never come on here anymore, it feels like it's been ages-- but I wanted to give an update on what's been going on.
1. Basketball season is over! I've been excited/sad for it ending. We lost our last game of the year which bummed allll of us out--oh well we played an okay season.. =] Anyways when we were practicing yesterday before the game, I tripped on one my teammates foot because she popped out of no where and I fell flat on my face, my hands smackeeeedd the ground. They were red for like ever--and now both my knees are bruised and scratched...ehhhh.
2. For anyone that doesn't know, I just became a Council Member at Lost video Island! It's a pretty exciting oppurtunity, to work with the other CM's and be a part of the Council.
3. I made a new vid "So contagious" I don't think many people liked it though..I was sort of discouraged with the lack of comments, but maybe I'm speaking too soon after 5 days. I just hope more of my friends and people will check it out. *crosses fingers*
Thanks for reading everyone, I hope to come on a little more and more often because I've got some more time now that b-ball is over =)